
(Barré) #1

If you’re like most
women, it’s no secret
you want to lose fat
and build muscle. In
addition to the proper
training and nutrition
information you get
every month from
Oxygen, you also
may want to consider
adding supplements to
your regimen.
One of the ingredients
common to many is
caff eine or caff eine-
like deriva tives, and
while eff ective for
boosting metabolic
rate and enhancing
performance, it also
can have an unpleasant
eff ect on some women.
The good news is,
even if you hate
caff eine, you can still
give your diet a boost.
Several nonstimulating
ingredients can go
a long way toward
throwing your fat stores
on the furnace.
One last word on
fat-loss supplements:
Proper training and
nutrition are the pillars
of your program. Only
when these factors
are in sync should you
begin to investigate
various dietary
supplements and
ingredients to further
accelerate your fat-loss

Forskolin is produced by the Indian
Coleus plant (Coleus forskohlii), and
has been studied in research to alter
cell metabolism. Although human
studies are currently limited, it does
point to positive outcomes. A study
published in Obesity had 30 obese
subjects supplement with a forskolin
extract or placebo for 12 weeks.
The forskolin groups experienced a
reduction in body fat of 11.2 per cent,
while those taking a placebo achieved
only a 4 per cent improvement.
Further, a study conducted from
the University of Memphis had
university-age women supplement
with 500 milligrams a day of
forskolin for 12 weeks. Although
minor, those consuming it showed
greater improvement in body mass,
fat mass and fat-free mass compared
to the placebo group. Based on the
science, forskolin appears to be well-
tolerated and has a favourable impact
on weight loss and body fat.

Raspberry Ketone
Raspberry ketone has gained more
popularity thanks to various media
sources and continued published science.
cultures and animal studies were the
only outlets that provided the limited
mechanism of raspberry ketone and fat
burning is by increasing various enzymes
and adipokines associated with fat loss. A
study published in 2013 in theInternational
Society of Sports Nutritionwas the first
human study completed that as a part of
a multi-ingredient product, raspberry
ketone contributed to improvements in
lean mass and fat mass, waist and hip ratio,
and energy levels. Although the results are
human data for this ingredient, it certainly
makes raspberry ketone an appealing
strategy for fat loss.



oxygenmag.com.au | JULY/AUG 2015 | 119


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