
(Barré) #1

Kick it

or pick it


Catching up with friends is great fun but more often than not

it involves eating and drinking. So next time use these ideas

to make the outing healthier, while keeping you satisfied.


Rachel Jeffery is an Accredited Practising
Dietitian and Accredited Nutritionist with
over 25 years’ experience. She graduated
from Deakin University before completing
her Masters in Nutrition and Dietetics at
Flinders University. Rachel has worked
across Australia and overseas, including
four years in the Middle East, in hospital
and community settings, and now runs
a successful private practise in Geelong,
focusing on weight management, diabetes,
sports nutrition and nutritional genomics.


Swap soft drinks and juices for soda water or sparking mineral water – 200mls
orange juice swapped for 200mls sparkling mineral water

Food / Drink Energy Protein Total fat Sat fat Total carb Sugar Fibre Sodium Calcium
Orange Juice 290kj 1g 0.2g 0g 16g 16g 0.4g 12g 20mg
Mineral Water 0kj 0g 0g 0g 0g 0g 0g 3mg 0mg

WHY THE SWAP? Drinks containing added sugars and fats can increase your energy intake
unnecessarily. Natural sugar from fruit is good but having fruit as a juice means you are getting
a concentrated form of many fruit servings, which will increase the energy (or kilojoule) load of
your diet. Water, plain soda water and plain mineral water have little or no sugar, fat or protein
so they are not adding to your overall energy intake but are still refreshing you.


Swap 50g bag potato chips or crisps for 20g (2 cups) plain popcorn

Food / Drink Energy Protein Total fat Sat fat Total carb Sugar Fibre Sodium Calcium
Potato Chips 1080kj 3g 17g 6g 23g 0.5g 1.8g 310mg 20mg
Plain Popcorn 285kj 3g 1g 0.1g 11g 0.2g 2.9g 0g 0mg

WHY THE SWAP? It’s great to have a crunchy food to snack on with friends.
Crisps and chips can be high in fat and salt, while plain air-popped popcorn is a
cheap snack that has little fat and no salt, but still provides some protein and fibre.

Sweet Treat


Food / Drink Energy Protein Total fat Sat fat Total carb Sugar Fibre Sodium Calcium
Muffin 1920kj 5.6g 21g 6g 54g 34g - 442mg 20mg
Fruit Toast 1260 5g 10g 4g 46g 20g 3g 358mg 0mg

WHY THE SWAP? The large muffin has more fat, sugar and salt than the fruit toast. This
serving of toast is quite big and, unlike the muffin, gives you that sweet treat and will keep you
feeling full for longer (rather than reaching for another snack!).

32 | JULY/AUG 2015 | oxygenmag.com.au


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