
(Barré) #1
Your ideal workout buddyl
should be a fitness rolee
model toel t you,haveagood
attitudeandof course, a

Bench tap
Begin with one foot
on the edge of a bench
and the other foot on
the ground. Hop up
with your back foot
and switch the position
of your legs in mid-air.

Tap the other foot on
the bench to complete
one rep. Switch quickly
back and forth, leaning
slightly back for balance.
Do 15 reps.

Hop over bench

Standing on one side of a bench,
lean forward and grasp its sides.
Bend your knees slightly and then
propel yourself over the bench. Your
arms should be straight and your
shoulders should be directly over
your wrists. Hop up high enough to

clear your feet as you lift your hips
up and over the bench. As soon as
you land, jump back to the original
side for one rep. Perform these as
quickly as possible to increase your
heart rate.
Do 10 to 12 reps.

Kick-out crunch

Begin on the floor in a tuck position (knees toward the chest), balancing
on your bottom, with arms extended out in front. Kick both legs straight
out as you lower your upper body down, touching only your lower back
to the floor. Use your abs to pull the upper and lower body back together
into the tuck.

Do 15 to 20 reps.

48 | JULY/AUG 2015 | oxygenmag.com.au

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