
(Barré) #1
Get up/get
Lie on your back on the floor
with your hands above your
head and legs straight. Roll
forward and try to stand up by
using only your right arm to
help push you up off the floor.

Once you stand completely up,
lie back down on the floor in the
starting position. Now use your
lef t hand to push yourself up
into a standing position. That
counts as one rep. Eventually,
you should be able to stand up
without using either hand.

Decline push up

Get into a push-up position with your feet on
apart. Keeping your back flat, inhale and lower
your chest towards the floor and exhale as you
push yourself back up. The higher the bench,
the more difficult the move.Do 8 to 15 reps.

When your bestie is counting on
youtobeatacertainlocationatyou to bbe at a certain locationb at
to quit!

This is similar to a burpee, but instead of standing up after
each rep, in this high-intensity move your hands never leave
the floor. Begin by squatting down into a tuck position with
your hands on the floor beneath your shoulders. Jump both
feet behind you to a push-up position and then immediately
jump them back to the tuck. Move your feet very fast back
and forth to keep your heart rate up, while keeping the arms
straight and shoulders over the wrists. Do 10 to 20 reps.

To begin, stand on top of a bench with
one leg dangling off the side. Squat down
slowly on the one leg, keeping a slight arch
to your back as you push your glutes out
behind you. Control the negative phase
of the move. Go down as far as you can
without letting your free leg touch the
floor, then stand back up fast. Repeat.
Do 10 reps on each leg.

oxygenmag.com.au | JULY/AUG 2015 | 49

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