
(Barré) #1
Walk- out
Stand with your weight balanced on
one leg and hold the other one straight
back behind you. Bend forward at the
waist and place your hands on the floor.
Keeping the back leg up, walk your
hands out in front. Continue walking
forward until your body is down into a
push-up position and then completely
flat on the floor. Don’t drop your leg at
any time, this keeps constant tension
on the glutes. Then, with your legs still
up, reverse the sequence: push back up,
then walk your hands backward toward
your feet until you are standing straight
up.up.Do5to10repsoneachleg.Do 5 to 10 reps on each leg.
Push-up hold
Begin in a push-up position. Bend at the elbows
to lower your torso half-way down, keeping
your abs tight throughout. Maintain this
isometric hold for up to 3 seconds.

Box jump
Use a box or step that is 12 to 24
inches high. Stand in front of the
box, knees slightly bent, ready to
jump. Propel yourself up and land
on the box with the balls of your
feet. Jump off quickly and repeat.
Try to do as many reps as possible
in 30 seconds.

One-arm bench twist
Begin in a push-up position with your feet on a bench. Keep
your body straight and abs contracted. Lift your right arm
off the ground and then slowly twist toward the right while
bringing your arm straight up toward the ceiling. Let your
head follow your arm to keep your neck in the proper position.
Slowly return your arm to the ground, switch hands and
repeat on the other side.
Do 8 to 10 reps on each side.

lunge with
Begin with your feet
together, core tight
and one dumbbell in
each hand up near your
shoulders. As you step
forward into a lunge,
press the dumbbells
straight up overhead.
When you step out of
the lunge, bring the
weights back down to the
shoulders. Alternate legs
as you step, pressing the
dumbbells up each time.
Do 20 to 30 steps.

Competition makes you
perform better! Get out that
your friend to give it her all!

50 | JULY/AUG 2015 | oxygenmag.com.au

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