
(Barré) #1

When I was out for
brunch with Justine
recently I told her
this story and she
got goosebumps,
yes we really do
hang out together
outside of the
magazine! So
without sounding
cliche, my fitness
sister story began
when I first met
my Oxygirls. Lesley,
Justine and Lindy.
When I moved to
Australia I had no
one, no family, I
didn't know a soul
here. I joined the
gym, created a
lifestyle I loved and
started competing.
The few friends
understand the
stage prep or the
need for it. At my
on theOxygenstand
I was embraced
and welcomed, We
hugged and chatted
about training, I
finally felt like I had
come home, I had
found ‘my group’.
My girls, my sisters
that understood
me and loved lifting
as much as I did,
I felt normal and
accepted. It also
grounded me in
Australia, knowing
to them as well. The
shoot for the annual
cover cemented this,
it was one ofthe
best days of my life.
Penny Lomas

I’m so lucky
to have many
fitness sisters and
share something
different with each
one. It’s always
fantastic to see the
Oxygenteam at
the Fitness expos
and catch up on all
the news. Penny
easily pass a couple
of hours without
hardly catching our

breath between
chatting and
Skye and I also love
to chat on a regular
basis and never run
out of conversation.
I would say the
are ‘what you
see’ - genuine and
inspiring women in
every way.
Another of my
favourite fitness
sisters is Jane
Watts - a world
champion figure

competitor who I
used to train with
EVERY morning, my
deep friendship
with Jane goes
back many years
and I would say
we have a special
camaraderie - like
we have been in the
trenches together
and fought a
war. We have
travelled overseas
to compete
together many
times and been
there to support
each other in every

way possible. Jane
has been there
for me through
thick and thin and
we have shared
many memorable
Only fitness sisters
understand why
container of food -
and why you love to
work your legs until
they burn! It's a very
special bond.
Lesley Maxwell

Anne-Marie Lasserre
was a Fitness icon
that I had always
heard of and seen
pics of in f itness
mags. I admired her
dedication and her
glutes were in my
inspiration pics lol.
Anyway one day I
had the pleasure of
meeting her, it was
for some filming with
our coach, Jon Davie.
I was so nervous to
meet her, but straight
away we hit it off as
we are so similar in
so many ways! That
was the start of our
friendship. We ended
up becoming work
colleag ues as we both
worked at World
Gym on the Gold
Coast. We prepped for
a few shows together
and have travelled to
Sydney, Melbourne
and Los Angeles for
shows. We have done

hundreds of 4am
walks in the dark,
training sessions
and many late night
calls to debrief from
our crazy busy
days. Not once have
we arg ued or got sick
of each other in some
stressful situations as
together we always

find the funny
side. She has been
a mentor, trainer,
coach, tanner, sister
and best friend to me
through the years.
She is a dedicated pro-
athlete that I definetly
consider one of my
greatest inspirations.
Just recently I was

honoured to be her
bridesmaid at her
wedding! I have
met some of my
best friends in the
fitness world, I'm
forever grateful for
the beautiful women
I have met! Anne-
Marie is one of them.
Skye Cushway


oxygenmag.com.au | JULY/AUG 2015 | 81

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