
(Barré) #1
When it comes to losing weight and
getting in shape, do you feel “alone” – that
it all feels too hard by yourself and you
are not having fun?

The first step to increase the effectiveness
of your workout program is to check your
current motivation level and to see if you
are experiencing any of the following:

  • boredom with your current
    exercise routine;

  • low energy levels;

  • lack of motivation or self sabotage;

  • lack of clarity or focus on goals;

  • missing exercise classes
    Overall, if you have experienced any of
    these negative factors, it can easily build
    into a story in your mind that will prevent
    action and de-motivate you You have

the opportunity to take charge now and
reverse that trend with new options for
motivation with a workout buddy. The
key to long-term (and even short-term)
success lies in developing multiple sources
of motivation that are both internal and
external. Internal motivation comes from
within and is a measure of your own
drive. External motivation, on the other
hand, is derived from external sources
and this includes praise and support from
others. The ultimate goal is to strengthen
all areas of motivation to achieve success
for you.

Benefits of a
workout buddy
Workout buddies play extremely important
roles in any successful exercise program.
To accomplish your exercise goals, you
first need a concrete workout regime, a
detailed nutrition plan and a steady exercise
schedule. Once all these things are in
place, you can search for the next valuable
addition to your exercise program – a
workout buddy.
A good workout buddy provides support,
helps you stay focused and excited on a
daily or weekly basis and stays by your
side through thick and thin until you've
achieved your exercise goals. Having
a workout buddy who asks you to be
accountable for your workout schedule is a
sure way for you to stay on track. They also
provide knowledgeable insight into your
strengths, weaknesses, habits and fears.
Research has shown that working out with
a buddy increases motivation and, because
we are highly social by nature, gives us
someone to compare ourselves to and
someone to stay accountable to. Workout
buddies bring a lot to the table, including:

  • Accountability. If you know that you’re
    scheduled to meet your workout buddy
    at the gym, you’re less likely to skip the

  • Motivation. Your workout buddy can
    really push you to get that extra last rep
    or when you are about to give up.

  • New options. There are numerous
    strength moves you can do with your
    buddy, like crunches with a medicine
    ball, partner push-ups and leg tosses.
    These are fun and very effective.

  • Companionship. Having a friend next to
    you to talk with while you slave away on
    the exercise machine can make the time
    fly by and often you talk about things
    other than exercise.

  • Competition.By trying to keep up with
    your buddy, you will challenge yourself
    in ways that you cannot do alone.

  • Outside perspectives.Your buddy can
    view you more objectively and remind
    you of your progress so far and keep
    your motivation levels high.

  • Opportunities to celebrate success.
    Celebrating your progress alone isn't as
    Having a workout buddy can mean the
    difference between success and failure
    when it comes to your exercise goals.

Having a Power Gym
Sister or workout buddy
to support you won't just
make the process easier:
buddies are great for
giving encouragement
and advice along your
healthy lifestyle journey.
The more you surround
yourself with people
who support your
goals, the greater your

chance of success will
be. Your buddy can be
part of that support
system – someone
who gives you a boost
when you need it, and
to whom you can lend a
hand in return. Exercise
partners provide a
powerful combination of
support, accountability,
motivation and, in

some cases, healthy
competition. They
can play the role of
teammate, co-coach and
cheerleader — all while
working out.
I have provided some
suggestions here for you,
so why not give it a go as
you have nothing to lose.

action and de motivate you.You h ave

“ A good workout buddy provides
support, helps you stay focused and
excited on a daily or weekly basis and
stays by your side through thick and thin
until you've achieved your exercise goals.”


oxygenmag.com.au | JULY/AUG 2015 | 85

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