
(Barré) #1
current friends, family
members or strangers. They
can be people who share your
weight-loss goals or fitness
interests. You can have one or
many. Remember – workout
buddies should “always” be
positive, friendly and honest,
which means it is okay to
be picky when choosing a
Clearly, it's important to
choose the right buddy for

rticular exercise
level and regimen. Keep the
following attributes in mind,
when choosing your workout

  • Exercise type. The most
    common cause of injuries
    is bad form, which can
    be hard to determine for
    yourself, so it's good to
    have someone else who is
    familiar with the exercise
    and can check your

    • Fitness level. Look for
      a buddy whose fitness
      level is similar to yours,
      otherwise you could end
      up either doing too much
      or too little.

    • Relationship. If a workout
      buddy is going to work
      for you longterm, it’s
      important that you and
      your workout buddy are
      compatible in a few key

Start by finding like-minded
workout buddies. Through a
congenial atmosphere, rather
than a competitive one, this
will help you stay motivated
by providing a source of
encouragement. Members of
a group can also push each
other to reach goals and cheer
each other on. And when
someone has a bad day, the
group is there to lift their
spirits and sympathise.

Overall, the most obvious
places to find a workout buddy
is your fitness centre, at home
or in your local and online
community. Some additional
suggestions are provided
below to assist you with
finding a workout buddy:

  • Family memberscan make
    good workout partners,
    but make sure they’re
    serious about their fitness
    •Co-workersare another
    workout buddy resource.
    You can create standing
    pre- or post-work workout

  • Approach someone at the
    gym.Maybe you’ve made
    and noticed that you’re on

Use the internet or other
online applications. The rise of
social-networking sites such as
you can go to cyberspace for
diet and fitness support. There
are also apps such ashttp://

Also, you may like to consider an Online Coaching Buddy
Program that I provide. My approach is this:

  • I assist you with setting up your goals – this information comes from a questionnaire I
    share with you. Also, initial actions are set to progress the goals.

  • I would send out a coaching lesson every two weeks as I have found that this is a good
    time to connect.

  • Lessons would cover your vision, emotional intelligence, focus, mindset, motivation,
    health and fitness, work-life balance, the real you, confidence and your success formula.

  • With these lessons I also check on progress on your goals and actions.

  • From all of this, a personal success formula is developed for you that you can continue to
    use for a lifetime.
    Contact me on [email protected] for details of the programme.

When reg ular exercise is an important part
of your health and wellness programme,
getting a workout buddy is something you
should seriously consider. An exercise buddy
can be a great help in ensuring you exercise
on a regular basis and, in doing, achieve

your fitness and weight loss goals, no matter
whether you’re exercising at home, in the
park, or in the local gym.
Overall, if you would like to share any
successes that you are excited about, please
feel free to do so via the email address shown
below. I welcome any feedback on my articles,
Tips for a successful or suggestions for future topics.

… Consider personality
… Make joint decisions
… When possible, match skill levels
… Make your exercise sessions a
… Have a back-up plan ready for
when your buddy can't participate
… Make adjustments when needed
… Have fun together.

Workout buddies can be your pa


If you would like to accelerate your journey to
success, contact the author on
[email protected].
Geoff Edwards is an internationally accredited
Life Coach with more than 25 years of coaching
experience. He can support you on your journey
to success with results that last. He can be
contacted [email protected]
through his websitewww.geoffedwards.net


86 | JULY/AUG 2015 | oxygenmag.com.au

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