
(Barré) #1

tip: If you find it difficult to balance,

extend your arms in front of your body.

Bulgarian split
squat combo
WHAT TO DO: 10 reps
(each leg)
HOW TO: Stand a few feet
in front of a bench or low
table, extend one leg behind
you to touch your toes to
the top, and gently place
your fingertips behind your
head. Bend your front knee
to lower your body towards
the ground [A], then press
through the heel of your
front foot to extend your
leg and stand. Next, lean
forward from your hips to
bring your torso and rear leg
parallel to the ground [B].
Reverse to stand, replace
your foot on the bench,
and repeat. When your set
is through, do the same on
your other side.


oxygenmag.com.au | JULY/AUG 2015 | 91


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