
(Barré) #1
WHAT TO DO: 30 reps
HOW TO: Sit on a bench and hold the edge behind you
(advanced option: cross your arms in front of your chest).
Lean back and extend your legs, then hinge forward from
the hips and bend your legs to bring your chest and knees
close together. Extend, and repeat.

Keep the motion
slow and controlled
to really engage your

Keep your contact time with the ground
minimal– as you land, bend your knees to absorb the
impact, then quickly launch into your next rep.

WHAT TO DO: 30 reps
HOW TO: Stand next
to the long side of
a bench and grip
the sides with both
hands. Jump your
legs up and over
the bench, landing
your feet lightly on
the other side, then
quickly jump back to
return to the start.
Repeat rapidly for the
duration of your set.



WHAT TO DO: 10 reps (each side)
HOW TO: From a face-down position in front of a
bench, extend your legs behind you and place your
toes on the bench. Bend one leg at the knee to raise
your foot. Keep your core tight as you bend your
arms to lower your chest towards the ground. Extend
your arms to return to the start, finish your set, then
switch legs and repeat.

tip: These decline
push-ups are
challenging! If
you’re just starting
out, perform them
with your foot on the
ground rather than
on the bench.

  1. one-legged push-up

oxygenmag.com.au | JULY/AUG 2015 | 93


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