
(singke) #1

Peony envy,

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Herbaceous vs tree peony
Herbaceous peonies, also known as Chinese
peonies (Paeonia lactiflora), are the most
commonly grown. They grow from rhizomes,
which form a bush about 1m high and flower
from late spring into summer, before dying
down in autumn. Tree peonies (Paeonia
suffruticosa), are a shrubby deciduous plant
that grows about 1m tall. They can take up
to 10 years to reach full height and do not
die down like their herbaceous cousins. Both
types of peonies prefer cool to cold climates.

  1. Dare to smother your garden with
    the brilliant carmine-red blooms of
    ‘Felix Crousse’. It grows 90cm tall
    and 80cm wide – you won’t regret it!
    They make excellent cut flowers, too.
    7. Just look at the gorgeous shades
    of pink here! It’s no wonder peonies
    are a favourite with gardeners. If
    you can’t grow them at home, pick
    up a bouquet from the florist!

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