56 Australian Geographic
HE DUGONG IS the only
surviving species in the family
Dugongidae. There was one other
modern member – Steller’s sea cow; a huge,
slow-swimming northern Pacific mammal
that ate seaweed and may have reached
weights of up to 10 tonnes. Sadly, the
species is now best known as a cautionary
conservation tale: it was discovered and
hunted to extinction in three decades
during the 18th century.
Dugongs belong to the order Sirenia (the
sirens), the name being a nod to mermaid
mythology. The other living members are
three species of manatee, all found in coastal
areas and rivers of the Caribbean Sea and
Gulf of Mexico, the Amazon Basin and West
Africa. There are similarities between the two
groups, particularly their size, appearance
and histories: they are both long-lived, slow
breeders that spend much of their time
grazing on aquatic plants. But, in the evolu-
tionary sense, they’ve been separated for a
long time and there are significant differenc-
es. Manatees have a broader diet, consuming
a wider range of plant material, including
mangrove leaves and fish. Dugongs are strict-
ly marine creatures, but manatees also inhabit
estuarine and freshwater habitats.
Sirenians have a similar shape to whales,
dolphins or seals, but are not closely related.
They have a clearer evolutionary connection
to elephants and small rodent-like animals
called hyraxes, found in Africa and the
Middle East.
Sirenians the World
Although you could be forgiven for thinking these ‘sirens’ are closely related to whales, this
order of marine creatures actually has closer ties to the largest land mammal, the elephant.
Trichechus manatus
An estimated 10,000 animals
in two subspecies of West
lndian manatee survive in
waters off Florida, USA, the
Caribbean Sea and Gulf of
Mexico. Unlike their close
relatives, dugongs, man-
atees can tolerate a wide
range of salinities and will
move easily between fresh-
water rivers and the sea.
West Indian
Trichechus inunguis
This dark-skinned mammal, described as
looking like both a seal and a hippopot-
amus, is the smallest of the manatees
and the only one to be restricted to fresh
water. It occurs only in the Amazon River
and its tributaries, and is believed to be
critically endangered.