January–February 2014 63
Practical research. To aid out-of-water breath-
ing and reduce stress for the animal during
medical examination, Janet Lanyon douses a
captured dugong’s head with water.
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mmemedmededicaicaicl el elexamxamxaminainainaatiotiotinn, , n JJanJanJananetet et LLanannyonyonyonyo dodododouseuseuses as as
ccapcapcapaptututurtured ededd dugdugdugdugongongongg’s ’s’s hheaheaead wd wd wdwithithithithwawawawaterter rtete.
Practical research. To aid out-of-water breath-ateratter bbreer brereathathathathh--
ing and reduce stress for the animal during
medical examination, Janet Lanyon douses a
captured dugong’s head with water.
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HEHEAEARRRRthesthe sounoundsds thatht t
duduggononggsms makee. D. ownload thehe
frree e v viewaapapp and use youur
ssmmartpphonhonee to scan this pagee.
HEAR the sounds that
dugongs make. Download the
free viewa app and use your
smartphone to scan this page.