Australian Homespun - February 2016_

(John Hannent) #1
at the same time. Sew a square
in the middle of the windowpane
where the strips overlap.



Arrange the five panels (three
walls and two doors) as
shown in Diagram 3 – there should
be a door panel on each end.


With right sides together
and keeping the order
correct, sew the panels together
at the side edges, reversing at the
bottom edges for strength. These
seams will be visible inside the
cubby, but they have no exposed
raw edges, so they won’t fray.


Starting with the back panel
and with right sides
together, stitch the back and side
panels to the roof square, stopping
and pivoting at the corners.


Before stitching the door
panels to the roof square,
slip the cubby over your card table
to check for fit – the door panels
on Sarah and Rachel’s cubby
overlap by 1^11 ⁄ 2 in, but this could

vary for other tables. After
determining the amount of overlap,
stitch the door panels to the roof
square. (The roof seam isn’t seen
from the inside because it sits on
the edge of the table.)


Fold the door-tie strips in
half, right sides together
and long edges matching, and
stitch down the long sides. Draw
a 45-degree angle at one end of
each strip and stitch on the line,
as shown in Diagram 4. Trim the
seam to^1 ⁄ 4 in, clip the corners, turn
the strips right side out and press
fl at. Top stitch around all the edges
of each tie.


Fold the raw edges at the
end of each strip under.
Pin the ties to the door panels as
shown in Diagram 5, 13in down
from the top. Stitch a rectangle
over the end of each tie to secure
them in place.

For contact details for Sarah and Rachel
Roxburgh, of Roxy Creations, turn to
Stockists at the back of the magazine.

Steps 13-16

Diagram 5

Diagram 3

Diagram 4

"CUBBYHOUSE"Stem for heart flower

"CUBBYHOUSE"Stem for circle flowersTrace 2

Bird panel"CUBBYHOUSE"Stem daisy on

"CUBBHeaYHOrt flowerUSE"

em daisStOUpa"CUBBYHy on Bird nelSE

"CUBBYHOUSE"Stem for circle flowersTrace 2



"CUStem daisy on BBYHOUSEBird pa
E""CUBBYHOUSflowersStem for circle Trace 2

13in 13in

118 Homespun

HSP1702_p110-120_My Little Cubby PROJECT.indd 118 12/15/2015 2:22:56 PM

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