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daylight hours and can be reached by small local
boats at a cost of US$10 for the round trip.
Here, and in many other locations around the
country, there is kilometre after kilometre of
untouched coral reefs, offering some of the most
intensely beautiful diving in the world.
In the western part of the country, for those
who like to soak in natural hot springs, Bobonaro
offers the perfect European style pool for a
sauna and bath.
Also located in the west is the village of Balibo,
familiar to many Australians because of the movie
of the same name, which documented the lives of
five Australian-based journalists who died during
the Indonesian invasion sixteen years ago.
Here, within the grounds of a 350 year-old
Portuguese fort complex, is the recently opened
Balibo Fort Hotel and Cultural and Heritage
Centre. Sitting high in the hills overlooking the
village of Batugade and offering a spectacular
view of the Banda Sea, this new accommodation
with a modern restaurant is at the heartland of
colourful local attractions and set to be a popular
tourist destination for years to come.
Tourism is fast becoming an important pillar of
Timor-Leste’s growing economy and through the
Ministry of Tourism, Art and Culture [MTAC] the
Government is investing in improving services
and upgrading infrastructure.


S A PART OF the Ministry’s program to
encourage visitors, Timor-Leste hosts a
range of international events throughout
the year including the Dili Peace Marathon, the
Tour de Timor (a very challenging bike race) and
a variety of international cultural events.
This year Tour de Timor was held in
September. Famed for its smooth seaside rides,
gruelling climbs, spectacular mountain views and
unprecedented crowd support, riders were
treated to a rare and special insight into Timor’s
unique geography, environment, people and
culture. Why not plan to ride in 2016!
With the use of English growing [around 25
per cent] and a currency based on the US Dollar,
Timor-Leste is not a difficult place to navigate for
Australians. There are also many excellent
operators conducting tours and offering services
as drivers and guides. Beautiful crafts, artworks
and hand woven tais are souvenirs to remind you
of your unforgettable experience and they make
perfect gifts. Timor-Leste has much to offer
with its white sandy beaches, beautiful moun-
tains, hot springs, fascinating culture and
welcoming people.

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