Fight Magazine - Australia - April - May _

(Dana P.) #1
Get into push-up
position with your
hands slightly wider
than shoulder-width
apart, your body in
a straight line, and
your shins resting on
an exercise ball. Pull
your knees up toward
your chest (don’t
round your lower
back). Extend your
legs straight back as
you lower into the
next push-up.
This combination
utilises two separate
exercises, both of
which increase
abdominal and
core strength.

Start in a standard
push-up position with
your feet hip-width
apart. Lower your
chest until it touches
the ground, and then
push up as you rotate
and reach your arm
up and to the left.
Next, lower into
another push-up
followed by a rotation,
and reach right.
The T push-up
strengthens your
shoulders, rotator
cuffs and side core
muscles. As an
added bonus, it
helps mobilise your
thoracic spine, an
area that needs to
move freely in order
to generate maximum
punching power.

Get into push-up position with your body in a straight line from neck to ankles, with your feet shoulder-width apart, and your hands
resting on a large exercise ball. Brace your abs, then lower your chest until your upper abs touch the ball. Push yourself all the way up
until your elbows are locked and your shoulder blades are pushed apart.
Every fighter can benefit from building stronger triceps and a rock-solid core, and this push-up variation does both due to the
instability of the exercise ball. Research shows that this push-up variation recruits 30 per cent more muscle fibres in your triceps. Plus,
you’ll get a stronger core.

Test out each push-up variation to determine which version is too
difficult to perform for 20 perfect reps. Start with that version and
perform five sets every other day until you can do 20 perfect reps in

each set. At that point, move on to the next variation and stick to the
same progression. When you can knock out five sets of 20 reps of the
T push-up with perfect form, your chest, shoulders and core will be in
fighting shape.



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