Australian HiFi - March-April 2016_

(Amelia) #1


Nu-Vista CD & M5Si Integrated


Musical Fidelity

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WE ARE CONSTANTLY amazed at how quickly

people write off a technology as soon as the next

new thing appears on the horizon. We have been

in business long enough to witness ‘the demise of

vinyl’ when CD was released some decades ago –

it’s been a very long drawn-out demise!!

We are now seeing similar predictions for the

demise of CD, with the advent of high quality

streaming. There can be no doubt that CD sales are

suffering. However we believe that the predictions of

the death of the CD player are greatly exaggerated,

and obviously so does Musical Fidelity...

Nu-Vista CD
We have recently received the
Nu-Vista CD player, the matching
partner to their fabulous Nu-Vista
integrated amplifier. At $15,000
this is a serious CD player and,
as expected, it is a stunning
performer. Like their matching
‘800’ series integrated amplifier
this unit incorporates Nu-Vista
Free download pdf