Australian HiFi - March-April 2016_

(Amelia) #1


THIS RANGE OF projectors has been
the darling of the industry for
many years now. The new $6,000
DLA-X5000 is an exceptional buy. It
is so good that you must wonder
why anyone would want anything

better, or even if it could get better.
(And then you see the DLA-X9000...)
JVC has been able to achieve two
things with this new range. There
has always been trade-off between
contrast (the intensity difference
between black and white) and
brightness. The brighter the projector,
the lower the contrast. In their
current series JVC have been able

to significantly increase the image
brightness while maintaining the
same contrast levels.
Secondly, they have been able
to achieve this while reducing the
price. For example the predecessor
for the top-of-the-range ’9000 was
over $12,000 (and that was when
the A$ was worth something). The
current version is just over $10,000.



the Year’ at the Sound+Image Awards

here in Australia. This projector, like its

predecessor, is capable of handling native

4K source material.

All staff at LWA have been blown away

by this unit – it is exceptional. We have

long held that while a video projector may

not give the performance of a high quality

large-screen TV panel, the ‘immersive’
qualities of projection makes the concept
appealing. But the Sony has thrown
this out the window. Any differences
between this unit and a large-screen TV
are marginal, making this a very engaging
product, and great value (try buying a
140” 2.35:1 TV for the same price!!).

If you have the opportunity to drop
in and have a look at these products,
which can be experienced in our projector
room, please do so. You will be amazed
by how far projector technology has
advanced in such a short time.
The Sony VPL-VW520 retails for
Free download pdf