Australian HiFi - March-April 2016_

(Amelia) #1


Tom Waters:Do you have a first memory,
a first unforgettable musical experience that
left an impression?
NN:Both my parents loved Western
classical music and as a child I went to

many concerts. We always had around the
house some basic low-end mono equip-
ment to play records with which I was
always tinkering. I loved to take the covers
off our Grundig tape deck and watch all the


complex mechanics at play. And I remember
thinking that tin foil was the toughest thing
around so I used it to insulate myself from
electricity. That wasn’t very clever—I did
learn quickly though!
TW: And did that start you on the hi-fi
journey or did something else start you on
the audio equipment quest?
NN: By the time I was around 17 years
old and in my last year of school, I began
hankering for the better stereo audio
experience which I heard at friends’ homes.
I pestered my father to please buy such a
stereo system. He declined but, wise man
that he was, said that if I passed my school
exams with very good grades he would
find a way to afford something for me. My
school final exam studies were interspersed
with devouring the latest copies of Hi Fi
News in search of ‘what to buy when I
passed school with first-class grades’.

NN loves technology... mention theory,

exotic materials, scientific evidence, graphs,

MQA, DSP, room measurement software

and his eyes start to well-up... with tears of

happiness! Here he is interviewed by Tom

Waters of the Sydney Audio Club...


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