oses are the most romantic of f lowers, seducing
with their fragrance and lovely shapes. The best
are those grown at home, lovingly chosen for their
colour or perfume, or they may hold an emotional
association. Florists’ roses may be large and long-stemmed,
but they rarely have a scent and never last as well as freshly
cut garden roses. Each year, many new releases vie for
attention, offering new colours and shapes, and healthier
plants. Here’s my pick, in no particular order:
1 Fields of Fromelles
Floribunda rose (1x0.7m)
The first Australian-bred rose to be exported to France
will be planted in the Australian Cemetery at Fromelles
as a centenary memorial of that battle and the 5530
ANZAC soldiers who died there. This scarlet rose produces
large clusters of full-petalled blooms in regular f lushes
and has a light fragrance. Ross Roses; http://www.rossroses.
2 Per-Fyoom Per-Fyoom
Bush rose (1.4x1m)
The intense fragrance of this romantic rose has won it a
swag of international awards. Wafts of traditional rose,
myrrh and apple blossom surround the fairy-f loss pink
blooms, which appear in clusters of five or more. The glossy,
dense foliage is vigorous and disease-resistant. Knight’s
3 Fearless
Hybrid tea rose (1.5x1.2m)
Intense orange is a fiery colour that excites the soul and
the garden. A bronze-medal winner in the Australian
Rose Trials, this beauty has leathery green, disease-resistant
Rose-lovers will swoon
over this year’s new
releases. Here, gardening
expert Helen Young
shares her top 10.
foliage. It produces regular
f lushes of blooms on a tidy,
upright bush. The best colour
and size come in cooler
temperatures. Swanes Roses;
4 A Daughter’s Gift
Hybrid tea rose (1.5x1.2m)
The large blooms of deep, velvety red petals with white
reverse come either singly or in clusters, and have a delicate,
sweet fragrance. This is a fundraising rose for Sir Charles
Gairdner Hospital leukaemia research, established by the
mother of a young woman who died from cancer.
Landsdale Rose Gardens; http://www.landsdalerosegardens.
5 Brindabella Jewel
Bush rose (1.2x1.2m)
The latest in the Blackspot Buster range that focuses on
developing disease-free and perfumed roses, this is a highly
fragrant, salmon pink to apricot rose on a very bushy plant.
It repeat-f lowers in f lushes every seven weeks through the
warm months and copes well in the heat. Brindabella
R o s e s ; w w w. b r i n d a b e l l a - g a r d e n s. c o m. a u.
Fields of Fromelles
A Daughter’s Gift
Per-Fyoom Per-Fyoom
Brindabella Jewel