I want to thank you for jumpstarting the broken-down car
that was my partially renovated kitchen. Frustrated with my
tired-looking kitchen, I began tearing down tiles and repainting
shelves, but before long I hit a roadblock: I was no longer happy
with my plans. Then I stumbled upon the wonderful kitchen
on page 152 of the March issue and I can now say that I have
the inspiration I need to put the pedal to the metal and fi nish
my renovation with confi dence!
Joanna Feng, North Ryde, NSW
ColoursWhite, pinks, red,
yellow and orange.
ShapeSmall clusters of tubular
flowers with star-shaped petals
and soft, dark-green leaves.
Look for“Tight ball-shaped
buds that will open into
star-shaped blooms once you get
them home,” says f lorist Georgie
Bennett of Lilac and Willow.
“Look for healthy leaves and
strong stems.”
Best displayed“A m a s s o f
white bouvardia creates a
gorgeous, soft statement,” says
Georgie. “I love it in a simple
glass or white ceramic vase, or a
copper pot. Bouvardia also works
soft blooms such as garden roses,
gardenias and dahlias.”
Lilac and Willow, Rose Bay,
NSW; (02) 9371 1993 or
See Georgie’s floral display
using bouvardia on our
Pinterest page in April.
The author of every letter published receives $50. Our favourite
also wins a great prize.Thismonth,JoannaFengwinsaNespresso
[email protected]
and address or post to YourH&G,POBox4088,Sydney,NSW1028.
Illustration by Allison Langton. Letters may be edited for length and clarity.
Small order
We have a small home and the room
that previously housed all our home-
office equipment and paperwork has
recently been converted to a nursery.
Short on space, we have been using the
dining table, but the clutter has been
driving me nuts. February’s Home
Offices feature gave me new ideas for
how to create an office nook in a small
space using some nifty storage. We are
now looking forward to reclaiming
the dining table.
Jane Trembath, Dover Gardens, SA
Domestic bliss
My partner and I have been
contemplating renovating our kitchen
for some time. My taste is drawn from
my childhood in country Victoria,
while he’s partial to clean lines and
unadorned surfaces. Cue your January
issue! The custom-built K3 layout from
Cantilever Interiors is truly the
answer to our prayers. It satisfies
my love of natural timber while the
clean white lines and tiles exude
peace and serenity. Overall, it looks
like a delightful place to be.
Peter Davis, Coburg, Victoria
Mum’s the word
My husband gifted me a subscription
to H&G when I was pregnant with
our son, who is now 15 months old.
As we are nearly ready to begin
renovating, I find myself poring
over H&G, pulling out bits of design
genius as well as gorgeous recipes and
beautiful gardens. Lately I have been
volunteering to sit in the car with my
little one while he sleeps. But I confess
an ulterior motive: it means I can
browse uninterrupted through the
most recent issue!
Lucy Barker, Mt Colah, NSW