Men_s Health Australia - April 2016__

(Marcin) #1




Spuds aren’t duds.Sure, many nutrition gurus are tater
haters because people tend to smother them in kilojoules

  • butter, cheese, bacon, anyone? But once you strip away
    the toppings, these tubers begin to look truly wholesome.
    Just one large white potato with skin provides nearly
    half your recommended daily dose of vitamin B 6 , which
    converts carbs into fuel and helps you metabolise protein
    and fat, says nutritionist Alan Aragon.
    Plus, white spuds pack more potassium per serving
    than almost any other vegetable, anAdvances in Nutrition
    study reports. That’s big: low potassium is linked to higher
    risks of hypertension and stroke.
    To make oven fries you can be proud of, quarter
    potatoes lengthwise and toss them in a splash of olive oil,
    chopped rosemary, salt and pepper. Bake at 180°C until
    tender (about 50 minutes), flipping once.

QI love my potatoes but keep

hearing the white variety is

bad? What’s the deal? BG

You say potato,
we say potassium-
packed side for
your steak dinner.

24 APRIL 2016

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