Men_s Health Australia - April 2016__

(Marcin) #1
“I MAY BE TURNING 50but I honestly feel
like I’m 22; I don’t feel any different. I’m
lifting as much as I ever have. The gym just
works for me because it’s something I’ve
always done. I aim for 2-3 sessions a week,
complementing that with cycling and stand-
up paddle boarding.
“I know I’ve got good core strength
from my waterskiing days. But I always had
problems with my right shoulder. I know
how easy it is to damage, so these days, with
something like the bench press, for example, I
really work up gradually. I guess I train a little
bit smarter.

“I’ve tried a million different strategies in
the gym over the years, but the one that works
for me is one I heard Hugh Jackman talk about:
lifting heavy but short. I lift heavy for five or
six reps, whereas when I was younger I always
followed the old three sets of 10 rule. This way
helps you lift more. You just try to add a little
bit more each time to get the most out of your
body. I finish a session completely exhausted
and I know I’m burning fat for fuel for the rest
of the day.
“On the bike I do 100-200 kilometres a
week, working up to 300-400km ahead of the
Tour de Cure. Someone told me once, women

talk face to face, men talk to shoulder to
shoulder, and I reckon that’s true. It’s not just
about surface stuff either. If you’re on a bike
with someone for a few hours you really get
down into their lives.
“My longest ever bike ride was 287km

  • Hunter to Tamworth. It was a horrific day.
    I thought I was done at lunchtime, mid
    afternoon, late afternoon. At the end of the day I
    collapsed and they put me on a drip. I learned so
    much from that about how you can push your
    body. It was a great lesson in the power of your
    mind. If your mind says no, we’re not stopping,
    your body will find a way to make it happen.”

94 APRIL 2016


Put your foot down now and
you’ll have the tools to take
life’s hardest punches



TheSunrisehost and former waterskiing champion

anchors his life around exercise, using weight training

and cycling to keep his mind and body in sync

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