Business Review Australia - March 2016_

(WallPaper) #1

IN THE UNITED STATES, the month of March is synonymous with what
we call “March Madness.”
We call it this in honor of the nation’s annual college basketball championship
tournament, which gives Americans the rare chance to watch sports during
the day while at work. This year’s tourney has a particular tie to Australia,
as Melbourne native and Louisiana State University freshman phenom Ben
Simmons is one of the most high-profile amateur players in the country.
Famous legendary American football coach Vince Lombardi once said, “It’s
not whether you get knocked down; it’s whether you get up.” Not only does that
apply in athletics, but with young, aspiring entrepreneurs as well.
In this issue of Business Review Australia, I caught up with Sydney UFC
GYM CEO Maz Hagemrad to discuss the sport’s growing popularity across
the country. But more than that, the company’s has an impressive branding
strategy revolving around education and diversification, which can be applied
to a multitude of businesses.
In addition, software company Unit4 chief technology officer Erik Tiden
details the importance of digital transformation, and how it is becoming the
reality for nearly every business.
Wrapping up the March issue is a list of top 10 business events this year, as
well as our featured companies VicRoads, OceanaGold and much, much more.

Enjoy the madness.

Eric Harding
[email protected]
Twitter: @eharding


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