Girlfriend Australia - April 2016__

(Brent) #1





April is buzzing with romantic chemistry.
Venus boosts your popularity and allure.
You’ll dazzle in social settings, so get out
there and mingle! Expect a shift of energy
from the 17th when big-deal Mars goes
AWOL. You’ll feel more intense, so watch
your temper! You may question your beliefs
and wonder what you true purpose really
is. Don’t despair. It’s all perfectly normal!
P.S. Try to understand someone before you
judge them this month.

Aries girl: Fiery, open and straight to the
point – that’s you! You’re a mix of diva and
adrenaline junkie. You like to lead, you love
a challenge and you relish being first. You’ve
got a furious temper, but you get over things
quickly and you don’t hold grudges. Saggies
and cute Leos fire you up... in a good way.
Weak personalities and party-poopers
leave you cold!

Aries boy:^ He’s one of the most exciting
and exhausting boyfriends you’ll ever have!
He’s protective, thoughtful and stubborn.
He won’t play mind games or bore you
with endless talking. He’s candid and
uncomplicated and he expects you to be
the same. Take him on an adventure and
he’ll love you forever. Especially if you’re
a Leo, Saggie or Libra!

Famous Arians: Zoe Sugg, March 28;
Austin Mahone, April 4. Sofia Carson, April
10; Emma Watson, April 15. 102 girlfriendMAG
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