Australian Yoga Journal - April 2016

(ff) #1
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Answers to your questions about stress and vitamin B12.

  • Move towards veganism slowly and steadily.
    It’s important to be well prepared in order to
    make your transition as successful as possible.
    Stock your pantry with essential staples, gather a
    collection of healthy and delicious recipes, and
    find yourself a support network, whether this be
    friends, family, or a friendly internet community.

  • Breakfastbeing the most important meal of the
    day is not just some old cliché! Get out of bed on
    the right side with a nourishing breakfast that’ll
    keep you going until lunch time.

  • Focus on nutrient-dense foods for long-lasting
    energy.A meal consisting of wholegrain, fibrous
    foods, healthy fats and plant-based proteins will
    assist in maintaining healthy blood glucose levels
    which translate to long-lasting energy, a balanced
    appetite and a reduction in pesky sugar cravings,
    which means less 3pm visits to the vending

    • What’s the best(and most fun) way to ensure
      you’re getting a full spectrum of nutrients in
      every meal? A rainbow diet! Tick off your reds,
      yellows, oranges, greens and purples when
      getting your meals together to ensure you’re
      gaining a wide variety of vitamins, minerals and

    • Mindful eatingnot only helps you appreciate and
      properly enjoy your meals, but improves the
      digestive process and absorption of important
      nutrients. Take time with your meals, ensure you
      are chewing not gulping (no matter how delicious
      the food!), and do your best to separate meal
      times from other activities.

    • Blood tests.They’re not pleasant, but they are
      essential to keeping track of your health. Having
      a blood test every year or so (more often if you
      have any deficiencies) is the best way to keep an
      eye on the state of your health and ensure your
      Lidia Bier, is a Naturopath, Nutritionist and Herbalist based insides are behaving themselves.
      in Melbourne.

How can I ensure that I get essential nutrients
and maintain high energy levels when changing to a vegan diet?
There are a myriad of reasons why so many people are choosing to adopt a plant-based diet. Whether
you’re concerned about animal welfare, climate change, global starvation, your health, or all of the above,
moving towards a vegan diet can be beneficial to both yourself and the world around you.
As a naturopath and nutritionist, I see many clients who are considering a transition to a vegan diet but are
concerned about maintaining healthy nutrient levels and continuing to have the energy they need to get
things done. The good news? It can easily be done!
Here are some easy-to-follow tips to live vegan, be healthy and feel amazing!

Free download pdf