Australian Yoga Journal - April 2016

(ff) #1


april 2016

Finally, it’s important to be aware of
your changing needs and be willing to shift
your treatment course as necessary. For
example, if your back pain gets so much
better that you no longer need regular
Rolfing sessions and instead are able to stay
pain free with occasional acupuncture.
Yoga can help with gaining that awareness.
“Yoga is a process of connecting to the
present moment, and by doing that,
connecting to the self, which gives yogis
access to an inner knowing that helps guide
our decisions and prompts us to ask, ‘What
do I need right now?’” says Rachel Allyn,
PhD, a licensed psychologist and yoga
instructor in Minneapolis. “It’s important
to trust that you’ll know how to answer that
question, which can be so beneficial when
you’re healing.”
With so many complementary healing
modalities available, it can be a puzzle
finding the right one. To help you sort
through your options, ask yourself which
of the following statements resonates most
with you right now, and consider the
treatment options in that section. Keep
in mind, there’s a good chance you’ll find
many of these therapies beneficial, so
use this as a starting point.

The application of needles along the body’s
energy meridians is an ancient Chinese
medical intervention that’s been proven to
help ease and prevent a host of health woes.
When it comes to alternative therapies that
have been studied extensively, acupuncture
comes out on top. The benefits range from
helping minor conditions (one recent study
published in theAmerican Journal of
Rhinology & Allergyfound that acupuncture
relieves sinus problems due to allergies) to
more serious issues (researchers at the
University of Pittsburgh and Temple
University recently found acupuncture
eases cancer pain). When it comes to
chronic pain, there are hundreds of studies
published in well-respected medical
journals showing that acupuncture can help
treat everything from neck and nerve pain
to premenstrual cramps.

This healing modality involves the
application of pressure to specific points on
the feet, hands, and head that correspond
to a different body organ and system. The
thinking is that pressing these areas has a
beneficial effect on the corresponding
organs, as well as overall health.
“Reflexology is a zone therapy,” says
Robert Thursday, a reflexologist, massage
therapist, and editor of Yoga Journal
Presents Your Guide to Reflexology.
“Similar to the way anesthesia can numb
certain zones of the body, stimulating
certain reflexology points can affect very

specific organs, nerves, and zones of the
body to decrease pain and increase
For example, if you’re constipated, a
reflexologist can work with points that can
help heal your digestive tract and get it
going again, says Thursday. Numerous
studies funded by the National Cancer
Institute and National Institutes of Health
show reflexology is effective in reducing
pain and treating psychological symptoms,
such as anxiety and depression, as well as
enhancing relaxation and sleep. One study
found that people felt about 4o per cent less
pain, and were able to stand pain for about
45 per cent longer, when they used
reflexology as a method of pain relief,
reports the Journal of Complementary
Therapies in Clinical Practice. Another
study looking at breast-cancer patients in 13
community-based medical oncology clinics
found health-related quality of life and
physical functioning improved in those
receiving reflexology, according to research
in the journal Oncology Nursing Forum.

Whether you’re at a spa with dimmed
lighting and plush robes or in a bare-bones
massage therapist’s office, there’s always
something about the relaxing, healing
benefits of a therapeutic massage that
almost everyone finds accessible and
enjoyable. By pressing, rubbing, and
manipulating muscles and soft tissues,
massage therapists ease muscle tension and
boost circulation, and a growing body of


If you... have to see the
research before you believe in
the effectiveness of a therapy,
Consider... modalities that
are well studied.
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