Australian Yoga Journal - April 2016

(ff) #1


april 2016

Get the most from

your treatment

No matter which healing modality you choose, there are
a few tips to keep in mind to make the most of your treatment
and experience the best results, says Gail Dubinsky, MD,
a physician and yoga teacher in Sebastopol, California.

Find a primary care practitioner who’ll keep tabs on your
care. This is especially important if you have a chronic or
complicated problem, says Dr. Dubinsky. “That primary
care practitioner is going to be able to help you assess
what’s working and what’s not, and make adjustments
as necessary,” she says. “If you don’t have this, it’s like
having too many cooks in the kitchen with no chef.”

Avoid doing too many therapies at once. If you’re getting
four or five treatments every week, how can you
tell what’s helping? Answer: You probably can’t. “When
patients do this, I also worry that they’re not giving their
bodies enough time to really absorb what’s going on,”
says Dubinsky.

Support your treatment with lifestyle changes. Even if you
feel you’ve landed on the best-matched therapy for you,
supplementing your treatment by looking at your diet,
exercise routine, and how you handle stress is crucial for
lasting benefits, says Dubinsky.

Check in with yourself on a regular basis. It’s important to
ask yourself whether or not you think your treatments are
helping your ailment. If the answer is “No”, it’s okay
AROMATHERAPY to scale back or stop going.

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