
(C. Jardin) #1


PHOTO TIPS shoot a series

A taxi driver takes a break
to sit and read the morning
newspaper. I liked the calmness
of the driver amidst the
chaos of the bustling streets.
Canon 6D, Sigma 35mm f1.4
lens, 1/640s @ f/5, 200 ISO.
Curves, contrast, saturation
and sharpening in Adobe
Photoshop CC.

The transport system of Kolkata
is a mix of modern mass rapid
transport and old transport
modalities like rickshaws.
The metered cabs are mostly
Ambassador models (now
out of production) made by
Hindustan Motors. Kolkata
is also the only city in India
to have a tram network.
Canon 6D, 24-105mm f4 lens
@ 105mm, 1/320s @ f/5.6,
400 ISO. Curves, contrast,
saturation and sharpening in
Adobe Photoshop CC.

Due to the large number of
yellow cabs on the roads it’s
almost impossible to capture
an image that shows their
ubiquity. Shooting from a higher
vantage point enabled me to
frame the chaos below me.
Canon 6D, 24-105mm f4 lens @
105mm, 1/400s @ f/9, 400 ISO.
Curves, contrast, saturation
and sharpening in Adobe
Photoshop CC.

Crossing the road in Kolkata
can be frightening even if
you’re a local. Fortunately the
constant sound of horns will
keep you alert. This image
shows a tourist contemplating
crossing. Using a slow shutter
speed I was able to blur the
passing taxi while freezing
the tourist in the top right. Fuji
X100S, 35mm f2 lens, 1/15s
@ f/16, 100 ISO, handheld.
Cropped, curves and
contrast adjustment in
Adobe Photoshop.

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