34 | Rolling Stone | May, 2016
or embattled pop star
Kesha, a rough day in court
turned into an unprecedented
moment of global-pop-star sol-
idarity in February, as some of the big-
gest names in music, from Lady Gaga to
Adele, stepped up to support her legal fi ght
against producer Dr. Luke. In the process,
her case became bigger than one artist’s
career-threatening battle with a produc-
er she alleges raped and mentally abused
her over the course of a decade – charges
he unequivocally denies. Artists painted
the case as emblematic of the entertain-
ment industry’s – and society’s – treat-
ment of women. “Women in music and
film have long been controlled
and coerced by abusive Sven-
galis,” wrote infl uential Hol-
lywood feminist Lena Dun-
ham, accusing the legal system
of “failing to protect [women]
from the men they identify as
their abusers”.
Kesha was in a Manhat-
tan court on February 19th for a hear-
ing about her lawyers’ request for a legal
long shot, a preliminary injunction that
would have freed her from contracts with
Dr. Luke (born Lukasz Gottwald) and his
Sony Music-owned label, Kemosabe, in
advance of a trial. A sceptical judge bat-
ted aside the motion, noting that Gottwald
and Sony had agreed to allow Kesha to re-
cord for Kemosabe without having to work
directly with him. Kesha’s at-
torneys argued that Sony was
on Gottwald’s side, and would
likely allow him to sabotage
any new Kesha releases. (Sony
insisted that it was equally in-
vested in the success of Kesha
and Dr. Luke.)
“My instinct is to do the
commercially reasonable thing,” replied
the judge, Shirley Werner Kornreich, “and
to assume Sony will do what is in its best
interest. It’s not in its best interest not
to promote a recording artist in whom
Inside Kesha’s Fight
The pop star lost the latest
round in her sexual-assault
lawsuit against producer Dr.
Luke. But she may be winning
the war. By Steve Knopper
“All I ever
wanted was to
b e a b le to m a ke
music without
being afraid or
Kesha arrives at a
New York courthouse
on February 19th.