Rolling Stone Australia - May 2016

(Axel Boer) #1

Illustration byJames Fosdike|Rolling Stone| 91

NEW ALBUMS.............................Pg. 91
DVDS..............................................Pg. 102
MOVIES........................................Pg. 103
THELASTPAGE......................Pg. 106

French synth-led
nostalgia specialist
gets weirder on bold
seventh album

Junk Pod/Inertia
“Epic” is a word that gets ban-
died about these days with
inane regularity, but it’s an
apt descriptor for the music of
M83, the French dream-pop
outfit masterminded by An-
thony Gonzalez.
His sixth album, 2011’s Hur-
ry Up, We’re Dreaming, was his
most epic yet – a double-disc
jammed with the most expan-
sive iterations to date of his sig-
nature cosmic nostalgia: huge
walls of synths, impassioned,
high-pitched vocals, and a cin-
ematic sense of drama and ur-
gency that held you captive from
the get-go, even as his band
meandered from cutesy pop to
crashing orchestral ballads.
Hurry Up also boasted
M83’s biggest single to date,
“Midnight City”, a track huge
enough to turn Gonzalez from
an indie concern into an inter-
national festival headliner. But
from opening bars of lead single
“Do It, Try It”, it’s plain that



a Brave



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