“Being a lesbian means you’re someone who is sexually and
emotionally attracted to other females,” says sex and relationships
counsellor Somerset Maxwell ( But it’s not
always this black and white. It’s quite common to have fantasies
or an attraction to other girls without being a lesbian; in fact, most
women at some time or another throughout their lives let their minds
go there. However, it’s important to figure out for yourself if your
feelings are friendship-based or maybe something a little more.
This is like Jodi, 15, who started fantasising about girls two
years ago. “For so long I thought there was something wrong with
me when all my friends were talking about guys and I couldn’t
stop thinking about girls,” she says. “I felt like such an outsider,
I kept trying to stop thinking about girls but I couldn’t!”
When you’re super close to your BFFs, it’s also easy to get
your feelings confused. Do you love your friend or love-love your
friend? “My friend Sasha and I have always been really close,”
says Natalie, 16. “But I started to realise I was dreaming about
kissing her and I thought about her sexually, I didn’t think of her
as just my friend anymore... she was my crush.”
It looks just like you! Being a lesbian doesn’t change anything
about your appearance, the way you dress, talk, walk... nothing.
“There are stereotypes, like lesbians have short hair and never
wear dresses, but that’s completely ridiculous,” Somerset says.
It’s just like your star sign. No-one dresses like a Gemini or an
Aquarius – you can’t tell! “When I came out, I thought I’d have
to be less girly,” says Nicole, 17. “But being a lesbian doesn’t
change anything about me except who I want to date – that’s it.”
“Growing up is all about coming into your own and figuring out
who you are,” Somerset says. And with your body changing and
hormones flowing, it can be hard to tell the difference between
sexual attraction and liking someone as a friend. Sexuality is also
pretty fluid, which means that you could be a lesbian, straight,
bi-sexual or you could slide anywhere between them. Some people
know they’re a lesbian from a very early age and others discover
it as they go along, but either way you can’t help who you’re
attracted to. “Don’t pretend to be something you’re not, you deserve
to be happy – no matter who you fall for,” Somerset tells us.
If you’re struggling to figure out your sexuality, it’s vital that you
turn to someone you feel comfortable with and really trust. It could
be a parent, teacher, friend, school counsellor or maybe someone
from a trusted website. Because even though you might feel alone,
there are many, MANY people just like you, all going through the
exact same thoughts and feelings. “I was convinced I was the only
one who was confused about who I wanted to hook up with,” says
Talia, 14. “But I went to a website and that’s where I realised there
were so many people I could turn to with my questions.”
And remember, you don’t have to announce your sexuality to
anyone until you feel completely ready. “Your preference is your
own personal business and you’re under no pressure to let people
know until you are ready to talk about it,” Somerset advises.
You have the right to decide what you call yourself
- that’s if you even want call yourself anything!
Sexuality: Your sexual orientation or preference.
Heterosexual/straight: You are emotionally
and sexually attracted to guys and you don’t have
sexual or romantic feelings for girls.
Bisexual/bi: You are emotionally and sexually
attracted to both guys and girls.
Homosexual/lesbian: You are emotionally
and sexually attracted to girls.
Congratulations! To this person, you are
a trustworthy and understanding confidante.
Just imagine how scared your buddy must
be feeling, so here’s some advice for when
a loved one tells you they’re gay:
* Don’t interrupt. Sit and calmly listen.
* Let them know that you’re there for them.
* Be sympathetic and understanding.
* Respect their privacy. If they ask you not
to tell anyone, then don’t (unless you’re
worried about their wellbeing, in which
case you should let a trusted adult know).
“When people talk about coming out of the closet,
they mean that they are telling people they’re gay,”
Somerset tells us. When you start to listen to your
feelings and figure out your sexuality, you’ll realise
that whatever you decide, it’s totally fine. “You don’t
have to rush to decide how to label yourself right now.
Sexual identity develops over time,” says Somerset.
And it’s totally true! Take all the time you want
and need to figure out who you are and exactly what
you’re into. When you decide to tell people, no-one
should ever make you feel bad about yourself. Your
true friends are the ones who will love you no matter
what. “Start by explaining how you are feeling and
that you need someone to talk to,” Somerset says.
If you’re a bit worried about their reaction, you can
always float the idea by saying “a friend of mine...”
and then just explain the situation to them. b