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marking a different stage in the ‘hominisation’ of the
planet, with no single, correct moment of genesis.
But if geologists are going to formalise the definition,
spike’ to mark the Anthropocene. If we must choose one
geological deposit that announces the human presence,
I would suggest the area of Mare Tranquillitatis, where
Apollo astronauts first stepped onto another world,
leaving a flag, machines and footprints.
Those boot marks will fade in a few million years
as micrometeorites grind them into the dust, but signs
of our presence, including the alien artifacts we left,
will be detectable for as long as there is an Earth and
a Moon. These lunar landmarks could not have been
made by a species without world-changing technology.
This altered landscape also captures the moment we
first looked back and saw the unity of our home and
our common destiny with all life on our planet.
Of course, as an actual proposal for correlating
geological events on Earth, a Tranquility Base golden
spike is ridiculously impractical. But so what? There
is nothing practical about the decision to formalise
the Anthropocene Epoch. Any geologists, human or
alien, studying our time millions of years from now
will not care about our nomenclature. This is all about
symbolism and our self-image as we confront the
challenges of this new age. So, I know I’ll propbably
lose, but I vote for Tranquility Base. ✦


far-future geologist studying Earth history
would note that our time was one of sudden and
unprecedented changes. Could this be a type
of transition that other planets also go through, when
cognitive systems begin to influence global systems?
I’ve written before about the proposal to
formally rename our current geological epoch the
‘Anthropocene’ to acknowledge the fact that humans
have become a major force of global modification.
Within geological and other academic circles it’s
been contentious but fruitful — sparking interesting
debates about how we humans should regard, and
attempt to guide, our own planet-altering presence.
But there’s no consensus over when exactly this
humanised age began. Did it arise with the first
atomic bomb explosions in the 1940s? If there was
ever a time when we started to realise we were all in
the same boat, shooting holes in the hull, it was the
dawn of the nuclear age. We began to see what we’d
become, and it left an indelible isotopic signature. This
provides what geologists call a ‘golden spike,’ a unique
time stamp associated with an event or transition.
Others place the onset of the Anthropocene at the
beginning of the Industrial Revolution, or thousands
of years earlier when we first undertook large-scale
modification of landscapes.
These arguments are most valuable if we read
them as a protracted dialogue on how humanity has
journeyed from being just another hominid species
in East Africa to the global force we are today. I view

The golden spike

of Tranquility Base

is an
author, and
senior scientist
at the Planetary
Institute. Follow

Cosmic Relief

A modest proposal: the Anthropocene began with the lunar landings.

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