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Wratten Colour Visible-light Dominant
number transmission wavelength (nm)
25 Red 14% 617
23A Light Red 25% 606
85 Salmon 68% 595
21 Orange 46% 589
15 Deep Yellow 66% 583
12 Yellow 74% 576
8 Light Yellow 83% 572
11 Yellow-Green 40% 550
56 Light Green 53% 552
58 Green 24% 533
82A Very Light Blue 73% 476
80A Light Blue 29% 479
38A Deep Blue 17% 478
47 Violet 3% 463
30 Magenta 27% 420&602

visible spectrum). In 1871 Lord Rayleigh demonstrated
that the scattering of light by gas molecules is inversely
proportional to the fourth power of its wavelength.
Consequently, violet light at a wavelength of 400 nm is
scattered 9.4 times more than red light at 700 nm.
You can use these scattering properties to your
advantage. Violet (Wratten 47) and blue (Wratten 38A
layers of the Martian atmosphere. These choices
of high cirrus clouds, hazes over the planet’s poles
and along the morning and evening limbs, and the

orographic (mountain-generated) clouds that form
over the Tharsis and Elysium shield volcanoes.
A rare and poorly understood phenomenon
known as the ‘blue clearing’ occurs when the surface
features of Mars become visible in blue and violet
light for periods of several days or even weeks, usually
around the date of opposition. Use Wratten 38A blue
and Wratten 47 violet filters to detect and monitor
these clearings, which might be limited to only one
hemisphere and fluctuate rapidly in intensity.
Features that appear white when unfiltered — and
brighter through a green (Wratten 56 or 58) filter
than in blue or violet light — correspond to patches
of surface frost or low-lying fogs. Dust clouds appear
brighter and have sharper boundaries through yellow
(Wratten 12 and 15) filters than they do when viewed in
green or blue light.
Use Wratten 85 salmon and Wratten 21 orange
filters to dramatically increase the contrast between
the planet’s ochre ‘deserts’ and its duskier ‘maria’. The
distinction between these surface features is greatest
through red filters: either Wratten 23A or, for apertures
greater than 25 cm, the denser Wratten 25. Red light
also penetrates the ‘hood’ of haze and cirrus that’s
usually present over the Martian polar caps, sharpening
its boundaries and revealing its true extent.
Some of the most pleasing views of Mars are
provided by the Wratten 30 magenta filter, which
transmits both red and blue light at the opposite ends
of the visible spectrum while blocking yellow-green
wavelengths, simultaneously enhancing the contrast of
surface and atmospheric features. Baader Planetarium’s
Contrast Booster and Orion’s Mars Observation Eyepiece
Filter have dielectric coatings with similar spectral

Jupiter and Saturn
Although both the warm hue and the intensity of
the Great Red Spot vary markedly over the years, the
visibility of Jupiter’s most famous feature invariably
improves when you use a light blue (Wratten 80A
or 82A) filter. Blue filters also selectively darken the
belts’ ruddy hues, increasing their contrast with the

Martian surface features
stand out far more
boldly in red or orange
light than in green light.
Only clouds high in the
planet’s atmosphere are
evident when viewed in
blue light.

The filters discussed in this article offer a variety of enhancements. Those with
low transmission values work best (or only) with larger-aperture telescopes.


Planetary observing

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