A (7)

(Kiana) #1
Stefan Camilleri is a 20-something-year-
old yogi who has chosen the practice
as his hobby, devotion and career. He
is passionate about exploring aspects
of yoga both on and off the matt and
has zeal for sharing the practice in
a light-hearted and fun way. A self-
confessed yoga-training junkie, Stefan
has travelled locally and abroad to
study the practice with the masters,
discovering how yoga can provide a
vehicle to realise unparalleled levels of
happiness in day-to-day life. A uniquely
rounded understanding of yoga has
earned Stefan international appeal, and
he now teaches regularly on
trainings and workshops in
Melbourne, the Americas,
Asia and Europe. His humble
approach and contagious
warm spirit, consistently
awesome class playlists,
and hipster beard make
Stefan one of Melbourne’s
most adored teachers.







Match the energy of your classes and lift the spirits of

your students with perfect playlists. Melbourne-based

yogi hipster Stefan Camilleri gives us his top tips.

As many yoga teachers know,
the quality of music in class has
the potential to make or break a
student’s experience. The choice
of songs helps set a theme and
allows teachers to guide the
unique energy in a room.

There are many ways to use
playlist design to help elevate
your classes to the next level
of inspiration, enjoyment and
wholehearted devotion.

How to make it happen:

  • Set the music to the theme of the
    classand your own personality.

  • Let the energy of the music flow
    with the energy of the class and build
    your sounds up to a peak and bring them
    back down again for relaxation.

  • Avoid music with oodles of lyrics as
    itcan be distracting.

  • Create playlists that run overtime so
    the music continues to the end of class
    andwhile students are leaving the room.

  • Think stylistically and think fun music
    for fun spaces; use high energy for strong,
    faster classes and slower tempo or more
    ‘zen’ tunes for Yin or Restorative yoga.

  • Match the vibe and the volume ... so use
    louder music for strong, dynamic, flowing
    classes. If you’re speaking or explaining
    alignment or the class is more restorative,
    turn the volume down.

  • Add the occasional hit to lighten the
    mood if it you think it works. A hip-hop
    tune or an old classic can lift the energy
    of the class and give students a laugh.

  • If your playlist isn’t vibing with your
    group, change it and if the class is
    feeling more serious – or light-hearted –
    than your playlist allows, be flexible!

  • Let Savasana be an open and expansive
    tracktoencourage relaxation.

  • Keep it fresh and don’t use the same
    playlist week in week out. Try to update
    regularly, so if you’re a full-time teacher,
    once a week would be ideal.

  • Explore some new artists and diversify
    your song choices. My favourites are:
    Kaya Project
    Boards of Canada
    Carbon Based Lifeforms
    Uma Mohan
    Jon Hopkins
    Music for Deep Meditation
    Phil Thornton
    Connect Ohm

july 2016

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