A (7)

(Kiana) #1


r r ti


july 2016



eka = one · pada = leg or foot · raja = king · kapota = pigeon · asana = pose
One-Legged King Pigeon Pose, forward bend variation; a.k.a. Sleeping Pigeon Pose

Eka Pada Rajakapotasana

DON’Tdon’t angle your knee toward
the centre of your mat; your hips
will become uneven and you’ll
again lose the stretch.

DON’Ttilt your pelvis toward
your front leg. This will negate
the desired stretch.

Provides the external rotation and flexion that
your hips need to remain agile; releases tension
in your hips from sitting all day.

1 Come to all fours with your hands below your
shoulders, knees below your hips. Bring your left
knee to touch your left wrist. Keep your left thigh
parallel to the side of your mat and inch your left
foot forward until it’s just in front of your right hip.
If your hips allow, walk your left foot closer to the
front of your mat to create a more intense stretch.
2 Slide your right leg toward the back of your mat
and lower both hips toward the floor. As you lower
your pelvis, be sure that your hips don’t spill to the
left. Look over your shoulder and make sure your
back leg is extended straight. Press the top of
your back foot into the floor to more deeply
stretch your hip flexors. Stay here, with your arms
straight and your hands alongside your hips,

Our Pros San Francisco-based instructor and model Jason Crandell has 20 years of teaching experience. His classes integrate elements of Power Yoga,
anatomical precision, and mindfulness. Crandell has taught on many teacher-training faculties and leads trainings globally. He is a contributing editor at
Yoga Journal, where he has authored more than 25 articles, a podcast series, and four full-length DVDs. Find more of his teachings at jasonyoga.com.

How to move from Eka Pada Rajakapotasana
to Eka Pada Galavasana

Poses of the month

By Jason Crandell

for 2 to 4 breaths, letting your hips settle toward
the floor and observing the sensations in your
lower body.
3 Walk your arms forward so they’re at a 45-degree
angle to the floor – roughly the same angle as
Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog
Pose). Press your hands firmly into the floor as if
pushing away the ground. Complement this action
by rooting down through your front shin and the
top of your back foot. Feel how this increases the
opening in your front hip and back thigh. Take 2 to
4 deep breaths.
4 Continue to deepen the posture by walking
your arms forward until your forehead rests on the
floor. You’ll stretch your outer hip more deeply by
keeping your elbows off the ground. Continue to
root down through your front shin and back foot.
Breathe into the sensations that are rumbling in
your hips; relax your eyes, jaw, and throat. Take 3
to 4 breaths, release, and repeat on the other side.
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