A (7)

(Kiana) #1
(Standing Forward Bend)
From Tadasana (Mountain Pose), inhale to lengthen your
spine, then exhale to hinge from the hips to fold. When
the pelvis drifts back in this pose in yoga class, the
teacher often will come by and gently push it
forward to align the legs perpendicular to the floor.
When the teacher walks away, the pelvis tends to
drift back again. Correct this yourself by gently
pressing the fleshy part of the big toes into the mat,
which can help bring your femurs into a more
upright position over your ankles. Then press
the outside edges of your feet into the mat to
activate your arches. You should feel grounded. Hold
for 5 to 10 breaths before returning to Mountain Pose.

Utthita Hasta
(Extended Hand-to-
Big-Toe Pose)
Stand in Mountain Pose.
Balancing on your left foot,
elevate your right knee. Wrap your
right index and middle fingers around the
right big toe and actively flex your toe against
your fingers as you slowly work to straighten your
leg. Bring your awareness to the connection
of your right big-toe flexor’s origin on the
back of the lower right leg. This pose actively
strengthens and stretches your big-toe muscles.
Hold for at least 5 breaths before switching sides.

(Chair Pose or Fierce Pose)
With your big toes together and heels slightly apart,
inhale to extend your arms along your ears and
bend your knees, lowering your glutes into Chair Pose.
Press the fleshy part of the big toes down, then add
the outer edges of the feet to balance the arches.
Work your way up the body, pressing the knees
together (all while holding the action in the feet),
then engage the buttocks. Note how this connects
the big toes to the core, through the kinetic chain
of muscles and fascia, or connective tissue, from the
soles of your feet through the back of the legs.
Hold for 5 breaths.

Chaturanga Dandasana
(Four-Limbed Staff Pose)
This is a counterpose to stretch the toe flexors, especially the FHB.
Come to Plank Pose and slowly lower down, making sure your elbows
are over your wrists, your upper arms are parallel to the floor, and that
your shoulders don’t dip lower than your elbows. Reach back through
the heels and make sure you are stacking them over your toes, and
that your toes are curled under. Then press your big toes down to rock
forward, loading the stretch. Go slowly, and if you experience pain in the
MTP joint, back off a bit. Hold for 5 breaths before releasing.


Tap the power of your toes

Try the yoga postures below for building strength and mobility in the muscles supporting
the big toes,then observe the shifts in your perception of feeling rooted and balanced.

Becoming more familiar with the
anatomical structures in the soles of the
feet, also called the plantar surface, will
help refi ne your awareness of how to
engage the big toes.
Your big toe is comprised of two joints:
The metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint
connects the long bone (metatarsal) of the
front of the foot with the fi rst bone in the
big toe (phalanx). It forms the mound at
the base of the sole of the big toe. The
interphalangeal (IP) joint is the big-toe
knuckle. Capsules (ligamentous sacs that
enclose joints) and ligaments cover and
cross both joints, providing static stability.

Finally, let’s look at how these joints
move. Flexing your big toe is governed by
two muscles: the fl exor hallucis longus
(FHL) and the fl exor hallucis brevis (FHB).
They are assisted by the abductor and
adductor hallucis muscles. The FHL
originates in the deepest part of the back of
the lower leg, under the calf, and connects
via tendon around the bottom of the foot to
the base of the IP joint. The FHB fl exes the
MTP joint. All of these muscles support
your arches. Lightly pressing down with the
big toe maintains stability in the MTP joint
and activates the kinetic chain of muscles
from the soles of the feet to the hamstrings

and glutes. While you can’t change the
ligaments, capsules, and bones consciously,
you can work on moving the muscles to
build strength and stability in standing
balance poses.

OUR PROS Teacher Ray Long, MD, is an
orthopedic surgeon in Detroit and the founder
of Bandha Yoga, a website and book series
dedicated to the anatomy of yoga. He trained
extensively with B.K.S. Iyengar. Model Nicole
Wienholt is a Boulder, Colorado–based yoga
teacher and the co-founder of Yoga Pod, a
national chain of studios. 81

july 2016

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