
(ff) #1

●Body Book DIY workout

How it works

Use a stopwatch and do
the prescribed reps at
the start of each minute.
The faster you do them,
the more time you have
to recover before the
next exercise. “As you get
further into your session
fatigue forces you to
slow down, but then rest
periods plummet and
meaning you churn
through calories,”
says Tracey. “It might
feel easy at first but it
catches up with you
after ten minutes.”


At the start of the
minute,do 12 reps of
the move, then rest for
the remainder of the 60
seconds. (Do six reps
each side for the halo and
woodchops.) Repeat the
circuit three times for a
total of 18 minutes’ action.
Alter the reps or weight to
make it easier or harder
but remember it should
feel OK at first, punishing
at the last.

Rock the sandbag

for rock-

hard abs

Get a stronger, better-looking
midsection with this supremely
functional core plan.

How you get active plays a crucial supporting
part in carving strong, defined muscles on
your stomach’s surface and deep in your core.
Endless sit-ups and crunches will leave you cramped
in unnecessary agony and do nothing about the belly
fat that’s in the way.
Instead, this innovative sandbag routine from
Andrew Tracey, serial T-shirt avoider and founder
of gym-free fitness movement The Nomad Way,
will work your muscles through every conceivable
plane of movement for full development. Using
the EMOM (every minute on the minute) method
will melt away the fat concealing them. Match your
effort with leaner eating and award-winning abs
are all yours. Get into it!

Words Sam Rider Photography Danny Bird Model Callum Melly@va Kit Jordan Sandbag X-Treme Medium (14-22kg),

Build sandbag training
into your week and earn
real-world strength
you’ll use every day.

Unlike a perfectly
weighted and knurled
barbell, it’s awkward
to grab, meaning your
hands and forearms are
working constantly.

The contents shift as
you move, forcing you
to stabilise from the
floor to your fingertips
so your core is under
pressure to keep
you steady.

As a University of
study found, using a
sandbag rather than
dumbbells for a move
causes your heart to
beat 8bpm faster,
meaning greater energy
expenditure and more
calories burned.

Power bags

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