
(ff) #1

Game Changers Training

The fitness world has always
been split down the middle
between those who love to lift and
those who love doing cardio. Most
people who seek to get in shape
choose to either build muscle by
lifting weights and training with
short, intense workouts, or burn
fat by hitting the treadmill and
exercising at a moderate intensity
for longer workouts.
Obviously, for well-rounded fitness,
you need a blend of both approaches;
but past research had shown that
aerobic exercise can lessen muscle
and strength gains — a heartbreaking
compromise for lifters, and fuel for
grizzled gym veterans who like to
warn skinny newbies that doing any
cardio will keep them small forever.
But, good news: Recent studies
indicate that the so-called
“interference e ect” that aerobics
has on muscle isn’t what we thought.
And that means a lifter can have his
weights and his treadmill, too. Here’s
how to do it.

Believe it or not, the latest
research will have you rethinking
your weight-training sessions —
and adding aerobic exercise.
By Sean Hyson
Photograph by Jorg Badura

“I want to test myself
and max out my lifts.
What’s the best
way to do that?”

■ I like the system
used by Ed Coan,
who’s widely regarded
as the greatest
powerlifter of all time.
It’s simple to follow
and works great.
Give yourself 10
weeks and focus on
one major lift — the
squat, bench press, or
deadlift — per workout.
For the first two
weeks, work up to the
heaviest load you can
handle for two sets of
10 reps — each should
be explosive and done
with perfect technique.
Spend the next two
weeks doing sets of
eight reps. Then go to
fives for four weeks.

In Week 9, work up to
a three-rep max, and
then in Week 10 go
for one set of one rep.
By gradually working
your way down in reps
and up in weight, you
prepare your body to
handle the heaviest
load safely.
Feel free to repeat
the cycle for another
10 weeks afterwards
when you will have a
significantly better
idea of what you
can lift and can set
specific goals. That’s
what Coan did, and he
ultimately deadlifted
408kg at a bodyweight
of 100kg.

Sean Hyson is the Men’s
Fitness training director
and author of 101 Best
Workouts of All Time,



if you mix cardio
and lifting, you
should consider
how much you
can recover from.
Ask yourself how
active you are out
of the gym — eg,
do you work at a
desk, or do manual
labour? — and how
much your diet and
sleep are on point.
But one to two HIIT
sessions and two or
more low-intensity
aerobic workouts on
top of three to four
lifting days per week
should work well for
most people.
Consider this: Any
given week, Saladino
uses various aerobic
and anaerobic
cardio methods
ranging from
walking to battling
ropes — and he
looks like a Roman

Why Cardio
Got a Bad Rep
■ When you do
steady-state cardio
(ie, aerobic training,
including long runs,
cycling, etc), you run
down your body’s
energy reserves. That
causes the activation
of a compound called
AMPK. In vitro and
rodent studies over
the past 20 years
have shown that, in an
ef ort to protect your
body by preserving its
energy stores, AMPK
inhibits a protein
called mTOR, which is
the body’s main driver
of muscle growth.
Add to that the
findings of a study
that showed leg-press
strength was reduced
more in a group that
lifted and did aerobic
training than in guys
who only lifted, and
you can see how
the anti-aerobics
movement gained
In other words, it
would seem that at
least slow cardio (as
opposed to high-
intensity interval
training, or HIIT,
which is cardio but
anaerobic in nature)
would sabotage
your ability to make
strength gains.

What the New
Science Says
■ Wrong — at least
according to long-
term human studies.
A recent review in
Sports Medicine
found evidence to
suggest that, while
the interference ef ect
does damage muscle
signalling within

muscle fibres, while
heavy lifting works
mainly type II fibres.
And how does HIIT
af ect lifters? The
Journal of Strength
and Conditioning
Research found not
only that it didn’t
hinder gains in
strength or muscle
mass, but that it
also actually led
to improved body

How You Can
Strike a Balance
■ “The idea that 30
minutes of cardio is
going to eat up muscle
makes me laugh,”
says Don Saladino, a
trainer to celebrities
and athletes. “The
body is more resilient
than we think.”
He does, however,
caution that
overtraining is a
possibility with any
exercise, and that

the body, there’s
practically no proof it
harms actual muscle
gains over time.
It’s the dif erence
between smelling
smoke and seeing fire.
Another study in
PLOS ONE this year
pitted a resistance
training–only group
against subjects who
lifted and did steady-
state cycling for 30
to 60 minutes. Not
only did both groups
improve their max
leg press by about the
same amount, but the
guys actually gained
much more muscle
than the lifting-only
guys — and of course
that’s in addition to
improved aerobic
capacity. Why they
gained more muscle
isn’t clear, but it may
be because aerobic
training activates
type I endurance

Cardio your way

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