
(ff) #1
Never, ever going to be that guy.

Come on. You can’t deny that people
view you that way.
I go to these things like Comic-Con,
and I’m tattooed on people’s arms.
I’ve seen hundreds. Some are of
Daryl and some are of me. I don’t
know what that’s all about. I don’t
think about it too much. It doesn’t
power my next move. I never look in
the mirror. Look at my sweater — it’s
full of holes. I have comfort clothes.
I don’t shop. Ever. Even at photo
shoots, they don’t do anything. They
just move my hair out of my face.

Your hair is quite a star in its own right.
I’m on a TV show. There aren’t
a lot of Just Cuts in the zombie
apocalypse, so my hair is part of the
character I’m playing on the show.
So when it gets cut, it has to be for a
reason. Or for a story line. When my
bosses and the writers say, “We’re
going to cut your hair in this scene,”
I’ll cut it.

When you have people watching every
hair on your head and tattooing you on
their limbs, it must present challenges
for potential girlfriends.
I’m one of those people who, you
look at me for 30 minutes and you’re
nice to me, and I’m like, “Move in!”
And then three years later I’m like,
“Wait. What are we doing? What’s
your name again?” I’m an easy dude,
but, yes, it’s hard. Maybe harder
for them than it is for me. I’ll end
up with somebody who has a social
media account, and they get bashed.
Girls will just bash them. They’re
super-mean, or they threaten them.

So how do you cope with being a
star in Hollywood during the realm of
Let me show you this. [Reedus takes
out his wallet and shows me a picture
of a young girl he met through the
Make-AWish Foundation.] This is a
girl I know who’s sick who comes to
Comic-Cons, and whenever I see her
she gets dressed up like a zombie and
plays with Silly String. We started
this game: Whenever someone
comes up to me and starts freaking
out, I tell her, “Squirt them!” and she
squirts them in the face with Silly
String. Now, how do you not get into
something like that?Q


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