
(ff) #1

Always go
full ROM

■ Yes , i n t h eor y
using a full range
of motion will
challenge your
muscles more. No,
there’s no excuse for
half-repping your
back squats just to
sneak an extra plate
or two on the bar. But
if you’re stuck on
a gains plateau
— strength or
muscle — then
selectively using
partial ROM might
help. Instead of
deadlifting, for
instance, set the
bar up just above
knee height in
a power rack and
pull from there
— you’ll be able
to handle more
weight, for a better
challenge to your
grip and back. Stuck
on the dumbbell
bench? Do the move
while lying on
the floor: you’ll
safeguard your
shoulders while
making things
(slightly) easier.

Selectively use partial
ROM to break
through plateaus.
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