
(ff) #1

Who hasn’t had
a solid bender
from time to time. Hell,
getting trashed is fun.
The after ef ects, sadly,
are not. No matter how
epic your night was,
the way you feel the
next morning can
be anything but.
The headache, the
nausea, the “kill me
now” feeling.
“Hangovers are
caused by consuming
more alcohol than your
body can handle,” says
alcohol metabolism
expert Dr Jim Schaefer.
“And unfortunately,
especially during certain
times of the year, not
everyone is willing to
stick to their limit.”
When your body
processes alcohol
it produces a toxic
chemical by-product
called acetaldehyde,
which is responsible for

those awful feelings
that come with
hangovers. Alcohol
also dehydrates you,
irritates the lining of
your stomach and
causes your blood
sugar to drop and
vessels to expand
— all of which are
guaranteed to make
you wake up feeling
like someone has i lled
your head with concrete
and done a poo in
your mouth.
While we can’t of er
you a “cure” for that
hangover, we can of er
you some wise advice on
how to lessen your pain,
regret and the hours
you might otherwise
have spent driving
that porcelain bus. So
read on, and next time
you head out to get
shitfaced, raise
a drink to us. You’ll
thank us in the morning.



●Don’t hit the turps
without having
“A lway s d r i n k on a
full stomach. Eat a
[balanced] meal with
some low-glycaemic
carbs, like sweet
potato or brown rice,”
says health coach
Kerry Bajaj. A hearty
meal before you go
out will keep your
blood sugar stable
and give you energy.

Sweet potatoes

● Alcohol is a thief:
i t r o b s y o u r b o d y
of electrolytes and
nutrients. Juice will
flood your body
with vitamins and
minerals, boosting
your defences when
you switch over
t o a l c o h o l. F i t i n a s
many greens, like
spinach, kale, bok
choy, celery and
cucumber as you can.
To sweeten it,
try apple or lemon.

● Protein is the
drinker’s mate. When
combined with low
it helps keep your
blood sugar steady.
When your blood
sugar drops, “you
have spikes and
crashes, and you lose
energy, feel jittery
and can get really
shaky, especially
when you’re drinking
alcohol,” explains

● Don’t forget
supps. “Certain
supplements can
be helpful,” says
Bajaj. “A herb called
milk thistle supports
the liver, so taking
it before you drink
can help your body
process alcohol
better.” The longer it
takes for the toxins
from the alcohol to
exit your body, the
longer hangover
symptoms will last.

Green juice

Chicken breast

Milk thistle

● Cucumbers are
kind of boring, but
they’re also 95%
water, so munching
on a few slices before
you go out will not
only hydrate you,
but also help flush
out toxins lingering
in your body.
Cucumbers contain
small amounts of
sugar, B vitamins and
electrolytes, which
could help prevent
later headaches.


Beat the booze blues

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