
(ff) #1
Top trick
to smash

●Oil be right! Did you
know that people in
coastal countries such as
Greece, Spain and Italy
often take a spoonful of
olive oil before boozing?
They swear that it guards
against hangovers.
But there are more
appetising ways to get
the stomach-coating
effect of olive oil.
“Always eat before
drinking,” says dietitian
Tammy Lakatos Shames.
“Fatty foods in particular
stick to the stomach lining
longer, slowing down the
absorption of alcohol
into the bloodstream.”
Shames says to
incorporate heart-
healthy good fats into
your pre-party-time
meal. Choices include:
and sautéed veg
cooked with olive oil
with chicken, olives,
artichokes and
tomatoes dressed
in olive oil and lemon
●A chicken sandwich
spread with avocado
(bonus: one cup of
avocado contains
20 per cent of your
potassium RDI, so you
can get a head-start
on replacing the
potassium that’s lost
due to drinking)
While these meals might
mean it takes longer to
feel the alcohol’s effects,
it also gives the body
more time to process
the drink’s by-products,
increasing your chances
of feeling decent in the
morning — and kicking
on for round two.

Great news! Fatty foods
stick to the stomach lining
longer, slowing down the
absorption of alcohol into
the bloodstream.


No more splitting headaches

■ Sick of feeling like crap after a huge night out? You need to change your
drinking partners. Neck Hydrodol capsules while you’re on the lash and you’ll
find the next day is much more manageable. That’s because Hydrodol contains
amino acids, B1 and B2 vitamins, minerals, an anti-
oxidant and the traditional Chinese herb pueraria lobata,
which has been used for centuries to alleviate
hangovers. It comes in sleek, black designer
packs that are easy to slip into the tightest of jeans
pockets, ensuring real hangover relief is never too
far from your grasp.

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