
(ff) #1
Help for
sore heads

● The Hangover Clinic
They offer four different
hangover remedies
depending on how dusty
you are: Hydro ($95),
Jump Start ($135),
Energise ($165) and The
Resurrection ($200).
Trained doctors
administer a solution
containing saline,
vitamins, pain medication
and oxygen into your
body to help nullify the
booze blues in less than
an hour.

● Revivol
Get the nutritional
support you need to
prevent or minimise the
effects of a fun night.
Each capsule contains
milk thistle (used in herbal
medicine as a liver tonic
to support liver health),
cacopa, which is used to
power cognitive function
and guarana, to target
energy production.

Ripped dudes can
take in more alcohol
than fat, inactive guys
because they have more
water in their bodies.

Next time you get
rat-arsed and wake
up wishing you’d
never gone out, try
these products.

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