
(ff) #1

Does my body
type affect

■The way that
you use your
physical make-
up will define
your prowess as
a cyclist.
If you’re an
ectomorph and
find it hard
— whether that’s
muscle or fat —
then you’re an
ideal climber,
where power-to-
weight ratios are
key and (thanks
to gravity) less
weight equals
more speed.
weight that they
it into powerful
either in sprinting
or short-distance
time trials.
Because the bike
gives total body
support, these
intense efforts
rarely result in
joint stresses and
muscle pain.

Bianchi Infinito CV


Is there room
in my lycra for
■Just because Tour
de France champ
like he could do with
an intravenous drip
of protein shake
doesn’t mean you
have to. Being that
skinny while also
retaining optimal
muscle mass is a
task that his Team
Sky nutritionists
and money on, and
to replicate it would
be unadvisable for
most of us. But
because cycling
speed comes down
to power-to-weight
ratios, as long as
you can increase
both muscle and
power output with
bulk isn’t bad. A
lot of training
for the pros is
gym-based, with
bench presses and
deadlifts forming
important sessions.

How do
bike is ready
to ride?
■Do the “ABC
Quick” check
before you take

Sounds obvious
but many guys
forget: make sure
your tyres have
air and are inflated
to the correct PSI,
which can be
found on the side
of the tyre.

You don’t want to
sure your brakes
both levers to see
that they’re able to
stop your front
and back wheels.

Make sure it’s
dirt-free and
well lubricated.
There shouldn’t
be any kinks or
breaks either.

(Quick) Release:
This is very
important. Lots of
bikes have quick-
release levers
on their wheels
and seat post. If a
wheel lever isn’t
fully closed, you
might lose a wheel
a pothole or gutter.

my legs??
■For the pros,
shaved legs are
more hygienic for
massage and when
treating crash-
inflicted abrasions.
For the less serious,
the only “gain”
is ribbing from
your mates.

Ride faster and further

It’s all about the legs
Stability on the bike
is crucial. Try to keep
your upper body as still
as possible because
the more you wobble
about, the more energy
you’re losing. Focus on
gaining good balance and
directing your intensity
into pedal strokes.

Seat of comfort
Make sure you’re sitting
in the best position to
maintain good posture.
Bad positioning — like
sitting too far forward
on the seat or leaning
forward too far — can lead
to poor energy transfer
and ultimately injury.

Form a peloton
There’s a reason pros
ride in tightly packed
units. You’ll go much
further in a group —
thanks to energy savings
from drafting and good
banter — than you would
going it alone. Being in
close quarters with a
pack of 10–20 riders will
also help your technique.

Rhythm and cruise
Cadence is key. Riding
with a proper cadence
(80–100 cranks per
minute) will help your
muscles build endurance.
Shift to an easier gear up
hill — we recommend a
90-95 cadence; muscles
gas out quicker when
you’re pushing a slow
65 or 70.

Define your line
Pick the point you’re
aiming for and go for it.
On a technical descent,
look where you want to
go and relax your torso.
Your bike “instinctively”
follows the best line; if
you relax, stay focused
and trust your wheels —
they’ll do what’s needed.

you’ve fully prepped and
inspected your cycle.


Do the “ABC Quick”
check and you won’t
end up like this.

Bianchi is a famous old Italian brand, and the CV is an adaptation of the classic
Infinito, which was designed for the rider who mixes it up on Saturday’s
fast-tempo group ride and cranks out 100km the following day. “CV” stands for
“counterveil” and was developed by a US aerospace company to incorporate
vibration-cancelling properties into the carbon fibre layup process. That means
less road vibration — maximising your endurance and output.
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