
(lu) #1
45° 5°

triangles – as shown in Diagram 3.
Trim the top and right edges. Rotate
the block 180 degrees, and repeat the
process to trim the other two edges.


Repeat Steps 4-8 to make a total
of 55 Kiss blocks.

Cross blocks


Cut each of the remaining
55 charm squares in half
vertically so that you have matching
pairs of 2^1 ⁄ 2 x 5in rectangles. Keep
the pairs together.


Sew a 1^1 ⁄ 2 x 5in grey strip
between the two rectangles.
Press the seam away from the
grey fabric.


Cut the unit in half horizontally,
cutting across the strip you’ve
just sewn, as shown in Diagram 4.


Sew a 1^1 ⁄ 2 x 5^1 ⁄ 2 in grey strip
between the two halves of the
block, as shown in Diagram 5. Press
the seams towards the grey fabric
to make a Cross block. It should
now measure 5^1 ⁄ 2 in square from raw
edge to raw edge.


Trim the block to measure 5in
square: to do this, place a
quilter’s square ruler on it with the
vertical line marking 2in from the
right edge of the ruler lying over of
the seam on the right edge of the
vertical grey strip and the horizontal
line 2in from the top edge of the ruler
lying over the seam on the top edge
of the horizontal grey strip, as shown
in Diagram 6 (on page 38). Trim the

Cross block

Diagram 4

Diagram 3 Diagram 5

TIPS Invest in your craft. The
better the quality of your notions, the
better the outcome of your projects.
Think decent thread, needles,
scissors. You won’t get frustrated
with your thread snapping, needles
pulling the fabric and blunt scissors

  • all of which reduce enjoyment.

45° 45°

1in 1in
2in 2in
3in 3in
4in 4in

4in 3in2½in2in 1in 4in 3in2½in2in 1in

5in 5in
5in 5in
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