
(lu) #1
right sides together. Work a line of
running stitch^3 ⁄ 1616 in from the raw edge
through both layers. Flip the strip
over and needleturn appliqué the
other edge, sweeping under^3 ⁄ 1616 in as
you go, meaning that both raw edges
are now underneath a neatly
appliquéd^1 ⁄ 4 in-wide stem. Don’t
worry about the raw edges of the
stem ends as they will be covered
by leaves or calyxes.


To prepare the fabric shapes for
the appliqué, place the freezer-
paper shapes on the right side of the
selected fabrics, shiny side down and
fuse them in place lightly with an iron.
If there is more than one shape on
a fabric, leave at least^1 ⁄ 2 in between
them. Draw around the templates
with a fabric-marking pen or pencil
and cut them out a scant^1 ⁄ 4 in by eye
outside the edge of the template.
Gently peel the freezer-paper shapes
from the fabrics. Trace around
repeated shapes the required number
of times for the design – freezer paper
can be re-used a number of times
before it loses its stickiness.


Beginning with the fabric
shapes that lie under other
ones, pin or glue the shapes in place
and needleturn appliqué the leaves,
fl owers, calyxes, bird body, bird
wing and pear on the design. To
do this, sweep the seam allowance
under with the needle a little at

a time until the drawn line is just
hidden, fi nger press it or hold it in
place with your thumb as you stitch
the shape in place as invisibly as
possible using thread to match the
fabric being appliquéd. Refer to
Diagram 2. For outside points, stitch
to the top of the point, trim the
excess seam allowance slightly and
manipulate it under at the other side,
then give the thread a small tug to
sharpen the point. Clip the seam
allowance of inside points and
appliqué into the corner, secure the
point and appliqué out again. Clip
the seam allowance of concave
curves to allow the fabric to lie fl at
on the background.


When the appliqué is complete,
backstitch the fl ower stamens
in mustard, the bird tail and crest
feathers in tan and the pear stem
and leaves in mid-green embroidery
thread. Satin stitch the partridge’s
beak in red and backstitch its legs
in dark brown thread.


Sew a red seed bead to the
end of each fl ower stamen
and a dark green seed bead to the
ends of the tail and crest feather
swirls. Finally, sew the bead in place
for the partridge’s eye. Linda used
a small metallic fl ower bead for the
eyes, but a shiny round black bead
would be fi ne too as would a small
circle of satin stitch.


Keeping the design centred,
trim the Partridge block to
measure 12in high by 11^1 ⁄ 4 in wide,
raw edge to raw edge.

Turtle Doves block


Begin by appliquéing two
green bias strips in place to
form the heart, folding under the raw
ends at the top and bottom corners
to make it look continuous with no
raw edges showing. Refer to Step 8
for the methods.


For the round berries, lay the
prepared template for the small
circle on the wrong side of the red
and yellow fabrics and draw around
them the required number of times,
leaving about 1in between them. Cut
them out by eye a generous^1 ⁄ 4 in
outside the traced lines.


Beginning with a large knot
on the right side of the fabric,
sew a line of running stitch around
the edge of a fabric circle in the
middle of the seam allowance – leave
the thread attached. Place the
cardboard template in the centre of
the circle on the wrong side and pull
up the thread to gather the seam
allowance over to the back evenly
and fi rmly, as shown in Diagram 3.

Diagram 2

Diagram 3

Turtle Doves block


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