
(lu) #1

  • a total of 20 rectangles of each
    size (40 in all)

  • Another strip, 2in across the
    width of the fabric (Border 2)

  • One strip, 3in across the width
    of the fabric (Border 2).


From each of the fi ve
medium-value red on
white print fabrics, cut:

  • Two strips, 2in across the width
    of the fabric. Crosscut them to
    yield four rectangles, 2 x 5in (area
    D2) and four rectangles, 2 x 7^1 ⁄ 2 in
    (area B2) – a total of 20 rectangles
    of each size

    • Another strip, 2in across the
      width of the fabric (Border 2)

    • One strip, 3in across the width
      of the fabric (Border 2).

Natalia Star blocks


Select one of each rectangle
you’ve cut for each of areas
A1-A5. Pin the rectangle for A1 to
the unmarked side of a paper
foundation over area A1 with the
wrong side of the fabric against the
paper. Hold the foundation up to the
light with the marked side facing
you to ensure that the fabric covers
the whole A1 area plus a seam
allowance all the way around.


Pin a rectangle cut for A2
over the A1 rectangle, right
sides together. Refer to Michelle’s
Pinning Tip. Turn the foundation
over to the marked side and sew
along the line between A1 and
A2, continuing to the outer line
at both ends.


Open out the A2 rectangle
and fi nger press it over area
A2. Check that it covers the
whole A2 area plus seam
allowances. If it does, trim the
seam allowance to^1 ⁄ 4 in and pin
the A2 rectangle in place over
area A2.


Working in numerical order,
repeat Steps 15-17 to cover
the whole A foundation. Trim the
surplus fabric to the marked seam
allowance around the foundation.


Continue in this manner to
cover a B, C and D
foundation, checking that you’re
using the correct fabric rectangles
cut for each area.


Lay out the A, B, C and
D foundations as shown.
Stitch the foundations together
along the broken lines marking
the seam allowances, checking
that the seam intersections in

Step 20: completed foundations from the right side

Step 24

Step 20: completed foundations from the wrong side

Step 21

Photocopiers are all a little diff erent.
Make sure that you copy all the
patterns required for your project
on the one machine to avoid any
tiny diff erences in size.
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