ISSN 0726-
EditorMatt Raudonikis
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EMEMBER when all theEMEMBER when all the
best 4x4s had six-cylinderbest 4x4s had six-cylinder
engines? Mighty straight-engines? Mighty straight-
sixes with oodles of grunt,sixes with oodles of grunt,
be they diesel- or petrol-be they diesel- or petrol-
fuelled – those were the days!fuelled – those were the days!
However, the old six-packHowever, the oldsix-pack
has made way for high-techhas made way for high-tech
turbo-fours that buzz out theturbo-fours that buzz out the
mega-Newtons in spite of theirmega-Newtons in spite of their
limited capacity.
Volkswagen is bucking theVolkswagen is bucking the
trend by introducing the 3.0-litretrend by introducing the 3.0-litre
V6 TDI engine to its AmarokV6 TDI engine to its Amarok
range, and we’re sure it will putrange, and we’re sure it will put
a smile on our faces when ita smile on our faces when it
gets here later this year. What’sgets here later this year. What’s
more amusing is that it comesmore amusing is that it comes
to the Amarok thanks to ever-to the Amarok thanks to ever-
tightening emission regulationstightening emission regulations
and VW’s emissions figure-and VW’s emissions figure-
fudging. Think about that for afudging. Think about that for a
moment: When was the last timemoment: When was the last time
emission regulations ever gave usemission regulations ever gave us
a bigger and better engine? Fora bigger and better engine? For
once they are working in favouronce they are working in favour
of a better-performing mill.of a better-performing mill.
The only other non-four-The only other non-four-
cylinder diesel engine in thecylinder diesel engine in the
one-tonne 4x4 ute class is Ford’sone-tonne 4x4 ute class is Ford’s
3.2-litre five-cylinder, as used in3.2-litre five-cylinder, as used in
the Ranger and Mazda BT-50,the Ranger and Mazda BT-50,
and there are already hintsand there are already hints
Ford will be downsizing thisFord will be downsizing this
mill in the near future to meetmill in the near future to meet
emissions standards. Chancesemissions standards. Chances
are it will go to a four-pot, butare it will go to a four-pot, but
Ford already has in its armouryFord already has in its armoury
a sweet turbo-diesel V6 in eithera sweet turbo-diesel V6 in either
2.7- or 3.0-litre capacity, which2.7- or 3.0-litre capacity, which
would be so good in the Rangerwould be so good in the Ranger
and Everest.Yes, we’re talkingand Everest.Yes, we’re talking
about the ‘Lion’ V6 diesel as usedabout the ‘Lion’ V6 diesel as used
in the Territory and Land Roverin the Territory and Land Rover
vehicles, but unfortunately thisvehicles, but unfortunately this
engine is aging and is also on itsengine is aging and is also on its
way out. It sure would have beenway out. It sure would have been
nice, though.nice, though.
Land Rover is working onLand Rover is working on
inline six-cylinder diesel enginesinline six-cylinder diesel engines
to replace the Lion V6, so there’sto replace the Lion V6, so there’s
a return to form for that favoureda return to form for that favoured
layout. Land Rover has no linkslayout. Land Rover has no links
to Ford anymore, so we wouldn’tto Ford anymore, so we wouldn’t
expect the brands to be sharingexpect the brands to be sharing
engines again. However, strangerengines again. However, stranger
things have happened.things have happened.
Meanwhile BMW has neverMeanwhile BMW has never
strayed from its sublime inlinestrayed from its sublime inline
sixes and still builds the best insixes and still builds the best in
the business, yet more of thethe business, yet more of the
Bavarian models are turning toBavarian models are turning to
high-performance fours thathigh-performance fours that
make as much power and torquemake as much power and torque
as the sixes of just a few yearsas the sixes of just a few years
ago. What a world we live in!ago. What a world we live in!
WE might like old 4x4 trucks here at 4X
Australia, but we’re no strangers to new
technologies and we like to think we’re pretty
good at keeping up with the times. 4WDs are
constantly keeping us on our toes, after all.
To keep up with all the latest 4x4 info, head
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