
(Joyce) #1
HE SCENIC Rim area of south-east Queensland
is known for its amazing views over valleys and
mountain ranges, and Levuka 4WD Park is ideally
situated on the south-western edge, offering some
spectacular scenery. Not only that, the park has
an abundance of 4x4 tracks, ranging from easy to
extreme, which pass through rocky gullies, sticky mud
holes, hill climbs and ruts.
The park is accessible to 2WD and 4WD vehicles,
which makes it easy for families looking for a nice scenic spot to
go camping for a few nights. You can also bring the bikes for the
kids, as they will have a ball just riding around the campsites.
The four-legged children can also come with you as the park is
dog-friendly, but as this is a working cattle farm it’s advised to
have tick protection for your dogs before and after you visit.
A central location within the park is The Playground, where
everyone can have a go at trying its different tracks and, like
everywhere else, once a bit of rain falls it’s much more fun. There
is a fair bit of space to park and watch, or you could be the one
rolling in the mud having all the onlookers cheering you on.
Upon arrival at the park you are given a welcome pack, which
contains a map of all the tracks. You have the choice of enjoying

Levuka’s tracks are mostly
one-way; there’s rarely enough
space for two-way traffi c.

102 http://www.4X4australia.com.au


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